Growler said:
Haha! **** you...
Obviously I want someone who HAS the game to give me a bit of advice
Nice try, smartass
Um, yeah. 1. that's kind of being contradictory, because from what you say, you can't play it either. So how do you know it's good?
2. I'm not being a smart ass. Gaming 101 never buy a game that needs a serial key without it having the serial key. That's just being retarded. You bought it 2 months ago....
If I were you which I'm not thank god. I'd have gone back to where I bought it, and I would have gotten my money back. And if you bought it online, well then, more power to me, because it's all the more reason to never buy anything online.
I feel that any game where you are a bunny, a 6 foot tall bunny at that, where you do "incredibly kick ass" (haha no) fighting, isn't worth my time to even know about. I didn't even know about this game until Zeo told me. And now I know why.