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I'm looking for a good 160GB to 200GB External HDD with the price range of 20 to 40 euro (25 to 50 dollars). Anyone that can pin point me to a name so I can look it up and buy it online? This is generally mostly for my dad so he can save up his files.
I'm also looking for some RAM to put in this PC. It's only 512MB Ram, which really needs an upgrade. Motherboard model? It's a ConRoeXFire-eSATA2 :
I'd prefer kingston as memory, and also not too expensive!
I'm also looking for some RAM to put in this PC. It's only 512MB Ram, which really needs an upgrade. Motherboard model? It's a ConRoeXFire-eSATA2 :
I'd prefer kingston as memory, and also not too expensive!