Well, Canada has already put the idea out there to legalize, or decriminalize it. It's true, Ciggarettes and Alcohol are both deadlier than marijauna, but both are legal, why not Marijauna?
I don't personally do drugs, but I am open minded and listen to others opinions, and honestly, I think the only mature person here is asia778. You call him 12, and then act 8, it's freedom of opinion/speech, not freedom of stupidity. He put a perfectly logical idea out there, and I am giving a logical opinion.
By all means, legalize it, it's apparently safer than cigs and booze, it could bring in a fortune for a nation's economy. It would reduce crime rates, because it would no longer be illegal. Like asia said, so much money is put into anti-drug ops. All the time you hear about busting houses with hunders of thousands of dollars of marijauna, meanwhile the American government is also fighting the war on terrorism. Maybe if they could drop one, they could focus more time and money and the other, and solve the greater good. I hope asia appreciates my opinion and time, more than he did you idiots.
*edit* Government studies SHOW that weed is safer than cigarettes. Weed only gives you short-term side effects. Cigarrettes cause all sorts of wonderful cancers, not to mention second hand smoke diseases. Maybe read up on this stuff before you voice your opinion. And face it, cigarettes make people die.
(DEA Docket No. 86-22, 57). It is illogical then, for marijuana to be illegal in the United States when "alcohol poisoning is a significant cause of death in this country" and "approximately 400,000 premature deaths are attributed to cigarettes annually." Dr. Roger Pertwee, Secretary of the International Cannabis Research Society
According to Francis J. Young, the DEA's administrative judge, "nearly all medicines have toxicm, potentially letal affects, but marijuana is not such a substance.. Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care"
More proof you say?
In fact, the <b>American Medical Association</b> tried to argue for the medical benefits of hemp. Marijuana is actually less dangerous than : alcohol, cigarettes, and even most over-the-counter medicines or prescriptions.
FM, You just got owned, read the facts.
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