So I have Spore and while I like it, it has a few problems that they need to fix. Mainly with the space stage.
My problem is that I keep getting attacked every other minute by hostile empires or by pirates. I was aware that this might happen if I was being aggressive the entire game so I played it all the way through being as nice as can be, despite the fact that the minigames for being nice are stupid beyond belief.
So I went out of my way to be nice, I even put the game on easy because I foresaw this coming, but yeah, I'm still getting attacked left and right, all because I refused to pay an empire 200,000 Spore Bucks every 2 minutes. At least most races I meet are nice, I can only imagine how bad it would be if I was hostile the entire game or if I were playing on hard.
The game shouldn't force you to play one particular path if you don't want to be viewed as hostile by every single race in the 'verse. The game shouldn't pile attack after attack after attack after attack after attack on you. Seriously. A few minutes after I finish off one attack, another planet is getting attacked. I see no way to get out of this situation without completely wiping out said race (Would take an extremely long time, would be boring, repetitive, etc.) or coming up with more money than I can possibly get in the short amount of time between attacks. Later on in the space stage, I think you can buy satalites that help defend your colonies, but for now, I can't manage to do anything.
Don't get me wrong, I like the space stage, but it's broken. How they could think this was fine is beyond me. Here's hoping for a day 1 patch.
Oh, and income from colonies in the space stage isn't automatic, which is lame. You have to visit each colony every time you want to get income from that colony.