I dont play it any more, I do think it is too easy, sorry SB. Its just pressing arrow keys.. The old ESF took a little more skill imo. I havent played since 2 days after it came out. Its got way too repetitive. I personally expected more from 1.2, I expected some fast paced melee, especially with how fast 1.1 was.. Now, its just a down grade. Im also getting tired of the same charecters over and over, I hope the new charecters in 1.3 will spark my interest again. Sorry, this is just my opinion of course, I still repsect ESF and all they are doing for us.
And sonic, I think Zaku is entitled to his own opinion of the game. By telling someone that there opinion is bad its like telling them you must love something. Let him do what he does. You think of the game your way, he his way.
I also dont like 1.2 because, well, I play with buu, and I transfored once. This is wth like 14 donuts. You get pl fast, then you die once and you go back like 600 pl. It took me 4 hours to transform with buu. Come on, something is wrong here.