Holding someone and slamming him to the floor

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New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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No just making it swoop with holding some1 would be crap.
You should be going same speed as swoop (depending on how strong ur relative to them) and they can direct where they are flying straight down or at a wall. thats it the rest has already been said.
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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I like thi idea, but it shoudl be easier to counter. This really might be whored if one needed full ki to block it. It should be more like melee, but if you succesfully block when someone tries to do it to you, you should spread your arms out and knock them away. And if they hit you from behind, damage should be increased.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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I think if you look at my idea posted a while ago you would see a better more discriptive idea, though, you might have to goto page 5 to see the full idea, because most people added their suggestions, and I added it to mine. ^^ you can tell by the poll mines good.



Oh yea, almost forgot... BEEN SUGGESTED! :p
New Member
Dec 22, 2002
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hehe we supposed to give you credit for this one too sonic:p?? (haha just buggin with you). Haha but this idea is different then the one posted, this one would be more like a kamikazi attack. Grab the person, aim where you want to go, then fly into the ground and crush the throwee. I think this would be a really easy idea to impliment, it wouldnt take too much coding, almost no animating, and it would be a cool feature. The only thing i can thing of, is how would this be really different from a normal melee attack?? There would still have to be a swoop (to grab the person) then all your doing is aiming where you want to bash them into. I dunno, just seems alot like regular melee to me.
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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Cheeto101 either you didn't read carefully or you just didn't understand it completely.

Ok first, that is how I explained it, you aim at someone and you hold right click until you hold him. Second It wouldn't be fun if there was a time limit. You just hold onto the person until person counters it. Your ki increases while your holding like I mentioned. So the more ki you had when were held, the easier it is to escape. It doesn't matter of a guy level 7 billion held a person with just 1 million

I said that you should slam the guy right away or the person's ki will increase and easily counter you.

The only thing that matters is if you grab someone that's 3 times stronger then you. Unless of of course the personi s reallyl on ki.

Also Cheeta101 and for anyone else that doesn't understand.
How is this just a regular melee?
1. You can crash into a wall or onto a wall which does a huge amount of damage to the enemy but a bit to yourself.
2. Before you crash you can throw the guy to the wall, but it won't be as strong as crashing with him. But at least you won't get hurt.
3. You can hurt more then 2 guys at one. Holding an enemy and crashing into another.
4. This is a lot more fun can it can be countered. You can't counter a counter. So if you hold someone and he counters you, your going to have to let go or your gonna get creamed.

If anyone has an other questions or anything that they don't understand then say so.
New Member
Dec 22, 2002
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ahhh that cleared it up a bit(i just didnt fully understand it before),thanx farago. but when you say you right click to hold the person, how would you get up to them to hold the person? would it be a swoop or would you have to fly manually up to them? And how would stun work for this??
New Member
Dec 10, 2002
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Excellent idea! I think he means you automatically swoop towards him and grab.
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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Umm, you just target the person and swoop towards him and automatically grab him.

You can just right click when your near an enemy and grab him. But I think if you swoop towards the enemy, it should make a sound so sneaking up slowly without swooping should be silence.
New Member
Jan 11, 2003
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I read all the posts 2 times carefully and I think it's a cool idea.
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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I've been thinking and it doesn't make sense that your ki grows while your being held. I say your ki will decrease while your behing held. But if you press Z or whatever you use, thats when your ki grows. However, it wouldn't increase as fast because your being held.
New Member
Jan 11, 2003
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Great idea. If I was held I would wait 3 seconds before the enemy crashes me to the wall. Then that's when I'd press turbo and back. I'd counter, spin 180 degrees and slam that idiot holding me again and again until he lets go.

Oh just wondering, what would happen if someone tried grabing you from the front but you blocked? I have 3 suggestions.

1. Since he's going to wrap his arms around you, you catch both of them with your hands and the knee him to the chest which sends him flying.

2. You catch his hands then you flip him behind you. (Kind of hard to explain)

3. You duck and uppercut him at the face/chest sending him flying.
New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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This is for esf...You can't do that stuff in ESF. You can do the grab thing, as EVERYONE has explained, but you can't do all the fancy schmancy "you catch both of them with your hands and the knee him to the chest which sends him flying. You catch his hands then you flip him behind you." stuff
New Member
Dec 8, 2002
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I believe you can do that. Why can't you not be able to do that. All it takes is changing the block animation for that situation.
But I'm not sure if you can flip the guy behind you.
New Member
Nov 15, 2002
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I wasn't talking about the blocking. He's talking about making this some sort of Tekken game or something. And the ducking and uppercutting? If you CAN make those things happen, please, prove me wrong. But until then, I like the grab idea, and JUST the grab idea. "But I think if you swoop towards the enemy, it should make a sound so sneaking up slowly without swooping should be silence." <--this part specifically. Sneaky :devgrin:
New Member
Dec 11, 2002
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I love this idea. Imagine you just flying around looking for a target. You stop for a second and you hear something. Boom!!!, someone comes from behind you and grabs your back. You realize your a bit low on ki. You look down and you realize your very high in the sky. Then the enemy dives down while your spinning real fast and right before you hit the floor. Your ki goes to full and you counter him. Then you start to slam him. What I really like is the spinning part. If there was a first person view, this would look so cool but it's cool in third person view.
New Member
Dec 22, 2002
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yeah, im totally sold on this idea now, i mean look, it takes almost no new animation, (im not a coder and have no idea how coding works but i wouldnt think it would take too much, correct me if im wrong) and it adds a little beef to close quarters battles. Hmm a cool thing would be that if you break their grip (i.e their ki drains down too far) then the person being gripped lets loose a burst of energy knocking the person back (use one of those white bursts gohan has when his first transformation occurs but make it yellow?), i dunno, just another suggestion.
New Member
Dec 3, 2002
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i like the idea but u should be able to trow him to like now u hit him only then trow him and he get a struggle bar to stop himself
by the way if someone is holding u u don't need to fly so ur ki should grow the same rate as u walk on the ground not using ki
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💻 Oldtimer
Jun 14, 2002
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Originally posted by ScooterMan
[EDIT] sorry about the double post i sorta pressed quote instead of edit... dont ban me it was an accident!
now you just spammed.and this is a great idea

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