Hey wait... if we're fighting, what about everyone else?

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May 26, 2003
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Well, I've already said that I was pleased with the way things were going with beta 1.2 fighting system. Granted, the speed and exact style of fighting is not set yet. For now, it's all place-holders to determine whether or not the system that's been created actually works the way it should.

The only other concern I have left, other than any other pieces of the melee puzzle that hasn't been revealed to us, is interference.

When beam struggles occur, the worry has always been, "Okay, me and my buddy are struggling, now everyone can see us cuz we're lit up like a X-mas tree." So people were made virtually invincible in beam battle mode. On some weird level of 'tv logic', we can all look at it and say, "Yeah, sure, they're releasing.... uh.... so much energy... that... uh.... getting hit by other beams doesn't hurt...." Then someone knocks us away with melee. hehe.

But back to the important issue... what about melee struggles. At this point, melee struggles will essentially mandatory, meaning that we'll all be in fixed locations -- at some point -- fighting it to the death. Then little tommy comes around and says, "Kamehama-ha." Suddenly, all ten other people on the server are dead.

So, what's going to happen with that? If we're simply invunerable in fighting mode... eh... I could take it with beam battles, but watching a bunch of people punching each take energy blasts seems a little funny.

The other question, what if someone interferes using melee? Multiple melee struggles? Hehe. If that has to go down, the next question would be, "How would I lock on to the right guy?" Maybe there's still an incentive to keep the lock on feature in the game. It could be used to help you just find a person, since we're all little blips on the screen anyway, and it could be used to specify who we want to destroy in a multiple melee struggle. Of course, there's also the problem of the multiple struggle meaning that everyone on the server meets en masse in the center of the map and tries to block a confusing furry of combinations, not quite sure who is beating up who. Hehe, what a nightmare for the coders. I should just stop talking.
New Member
Oct 5, 2002
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Pretty well thought dude ~
Hmm i think a possibility to work easy with Multi Melee is ( i know thats not the cooles idea , but till someones gives a better idea ~ it´s the only i know )
2 player facing each other ... Player A is charging Combo , and Player B is blocking ... thing they should cause minimum damage from any Beam attacks ~ so now theres our little tommy again ( Player C ) hes in Team of Player A ( just to have a better look over situation ) he gets in range of Player B to attack ... charges a combo ..., but have to wait till Player A finished his attack ~ after this his combo will start and player B have to block , but , the difference is ... he ( Player C )will cause full damage from any attacks now ~ so he better think twice if he stands there and does melee combos for an hour or if he waits with his attack ~

Or a much easier way would be : if 2 player fighting melee ... a 3rd just cant do anything .. without shooting a beam at minimum damage ~

In my opinion ESF is just perfect for 1on1 or 2on2 ... dont u agree ? Cause there are so many Tommys out there ... standing in corners of a Free for All game and shooting just some attacks on a point ~ thats pretty lame i think ...

Another think im asking for a 1000. time but noone ever noticed : what do u think about binding teleports into the combos ? like : kick up , teleport , punch down ~ KADÖFF ^^ ... i think taht would be pretty cool , but got no idea how that will be for the person wants to block ~

ps: ill get u tommy !!!
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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Or an even easier way would be...to not have multiple user melee instances. And make two people fighting invulnerable or instantly able to repel beams and melee.

Personally, no offense, but I thought that was a no-brainer.
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Nov 22, 2002
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I think they are going to do it like Power-Struggles, where you are invulnerable to discs and ki blobs. Won't be as easy to get them in to one though, cause if they do get them into one youve only got about 4 seconds until they are out :). Basically I think beam damage will be reduced and discs will not be allowed
New Member
May 26, 2003
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Well, yes, it is a no-brainer to simply make melee opponents invunerable to the outside world.

However, the complaint goes along the same lines as people who were saying that it looked dumb when two characters stared at each other for nine seconds before attacking. In the example, it was understandable... the melee was a WIP. But in final product, we know we won't see two characters just staring at each other.

However, I contest that two people fighting it out, and being capable of resisting the most powerful blasts in the known universe, or even just fighting inside of a kiblob, is just as silly. Being invincible... is just as silly in my opinion.

Why not insert the ability to kick people around during combos, or move around while dodging combos. Since the combos are auto in the first place, why not insert the ability to smash the person around. The attacker would have total control over whether he wants to move around or not. He inserts his attacks. Somehow he differentiates between moving the opponent around, or keeping him still. When the defender blocks the attack, he does a different kind of defense depending on the attack. No moving techniques, he just ducks it. Moving techniques, he kind flies away, or blocks it and gets knocked back.

The idea is long, drawn out, and impractical though. But the question still stands... will it make any kind of sense to be able to engage in personalized fist fight duels, but be immune to beaming. I guess the combo insertion and blocking would have to be sped up alot, which is probably planned anyway.

But if the combos take a long time to flesh out, we'll have little Tommy blasting away, but then crying because... technically, he just blasted two people with enough shots to level a planet... so to speak . :devsmile:
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Dec 3, 2002
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That's very complicated, though...and if you ask me, it's just not practical. All that work so you can be worried about getting annihilated WHILE in the melee battle? Hmm...doesn't sound too appealing to me.

It just makes more sense to be invincible, gameplay-wise. Sure it's not practical relating to "reality" but honestly, is there a better way? I think honestly, there isn't--any other way, and it will be abused.
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Mar 24, 2002
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[SoB]-Bones- said:
Pretty well thought dude ~
Another think im asking for a 1000. time but noone ever noticed : what do u think about binding teleports into the combos ? like : kick up , teleport , punch down ~ KADÖFF ^^ ... i think taht would be pretty cool , but got no idea how that will be for the person wants to block ~

How I would like to see these melee battles go out is instead of standing in one place trading blows, you could do what bones mentioned "kick up, teleport".

Just some thoughts on what moves could be done for movement.
Up + Kick = Kick up...
Down + Punch = Axe hand downwards
Left (Right) + Kick = Roundhouse kick left (right)

Too keep things moving more allow the players to rotate around as if you were looking around almost. Limit the rotate speed so you can't be on some themepark ride spinning. Like said it's like looking at a slower speed, you can look left and right, but also up and down. And maybe the person on the defending side can have control over this as the attacker would be doing the teleport moves.

A more far fetched alternative to the above could be the two locked in a kind of sphere. You can move around the other player in circles and try to get to his side, behind, above or below. Obviously getting to these spots will yield an advantage. Again to make it so it's no easy task slow the turn speed a lot. Then you may thing what will keep the opponent from counter-rotating to prenvent him from getting behind? Maybe with each hit the opponent will flinch making him pause for vert short duration.
New Member
Jun 25, 2002
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How about adding a targeting button? That you allow you to target peeps that are within close proximity of you? And if you press and hold it you can target more then one foe and respond to them.

Like one person is attacking you then another joins in, if you press and hold the target button you can target them both, and get their set of combos displayed on your screen in order of who’s trying to combo you first or a combination of the two combos that are going to be sent your way.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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Wow, I've heard some good suggestions in this thread. I'm going to copy this to the Suggestions Forum. :)

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