ok, this has been taken too far... i wonder why sonic didnt close this the first time.. or the second, this is just one big flamewar...
- zeldalink: u say u want to learn to model urself (somewhere on page 2) well, learn it urself, try working with screencaps from the show/movies alone, use real ref pics of the drawn dbz chars... if ur gonna look at other ppls models to see where they placed everything, well.. lets just say that ur gonna learn nothing...
this is somewhat like tracing a drawing from some pro artist... if u just go over the lines and copy the exact drawing, what you gonna learn about drawing?? right, nothing... but if u study the drawing, search for buildups, develope ur own style, believe me, ur gonna make better drawings
- darksun, i know how you feel, ppl ripped/cloned my models to, its ****ed up feeling, it shows that ppl dont have respect for you etcetcetc...and i know ur prolly never gonna release any models in the future (in here at least) but hey, i cant blame you, this is same thing with smo.. just dont let rippers control ur models, if ur afraid that these ppl will rip, then dont show here, show on other forums where u can actually get crits to improve ur mdoels (remember in sos, the way turk an xeno told you to change the arms etc...)
oh well, i sound like an old man now :x