Gohan: Kid or Adult?

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Dec 27, 2001
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Originally posted by Vegetto-san
Why couldn't Vegeta go SSJ3?

And adult gohan owns!
Well he dosen´t even try

Adult Gohan owns

and Mystic owns Ssj3
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Nov 10, 2002
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Originally posted by Vegetto-san
Why couldn't Vegeta go SSJ3?
He could go Super Saiyan 3, But he didn't even try.
Even though you'll never see Vegeta as SSJ3, I can still picture
how he would look like D: 0wn4g3. Thats all I gotta say. He had
bulma build a "Brute Ray" In Dragon Ball GT. To skip SSJ3 and go
directly to SSJ4. But maybe he didn't skip SSJ3, maybe the brute ray
allowed him to gain access to all the stages and Vegeta just
never wanted to go SSJ3 cause he wanted to show off in front
of kakarott :p
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Dec 7, 2002
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I would much rather see adult Gohan then chibi Gohan.
If not Mystic Gohan would be the one i would choose instead of Adult Gohan...
The Viking
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Sep 29, 2002
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how giving vegeta this instead of majin vegeta?

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Dec 5, 2002
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anyway, BACK to the poll topic. adult gohan rocks, what can i say? i think if esf team were to use adult gohan they should use his outfit he wore when he first confronted buu, before he got knocked out. that was way cool.
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Oct 2, 2002
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Vegeta couldn't go SSJ3 (with the exception of GT, but to hell with GT, this is a DBZ mod) that's all there is to it. There's some secret to going SSJ3, i dunno what it is, I don't think they ever explained it, but obviously goku found it and vegeta could not.
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Dec 12, 2001
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Going SSJ3, Goku explained that when he was showing Trunks and Goten he said "First go SSJ then take it up to the next level. This next power has to come from deep inside..." and then he does it. Now I supposed the reason why Trunks and Goten could go SSJ3 is because when they fused I guess the human blood in them canceled out and the saiyan blood stayed so they were a full blooded saiyan. At any rate. A mystic can't go SSJ. And yeah Gohan cheated 2 times with the power up thing. Guru unlocked some of his power on Namek and then the old Kai unlocked the rest of it. His power if I remember correctly was in the Billions when he went Mystic. That places him somewhere between SSJ3 and SSJ4. Stronger than 3 but weaker than 4. If we were going to stick to the show as much as possible. Meaning only DBZ not DBGT (which wasn't even Akira Toriyama). Then there would only be 3 transformations per character. I guess I could list them out.

Goku - SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3
Vegeta - SSJ, SSJ2, Majin
Gohan - SSJ(kid), SSJ2(kid), Mystic(adult)
Krillin - No clue how this works
Piccollo - Could start with training stuff, Fused with Nail, Kamiccollo
Frieza - 2nd form, 3rd form, 4th form
Buu - Skinny(PINK!), after absorbing others, kid

My method with Gohan is because he was stronger in SSJ2 as a kid than as adult. But when he went Mystic he was the strongest he could get. And the others are all just logical. Especially how Buu's grey form was weaker than the fat one that was together.
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Sep 5, 2002
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I think for the next release it should be this way.

Starting form: Kid Gohan
Second Transformation: Adult Gohan SSJ (When he turns it off after going to this state he stays adult and he spawns as an adult)
Third Transformation: Mystic Gohan

Just my ideas.
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Nov 7, 2002
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aging as a transformation is stupid ;/ . make it like this

goku > norm > ssj > ssj2 > ssj3
vegi > norm > ssj > majin ssj > majin ssj2
gohan> norm > ssj > ssj2 > mystic all adult.
picollo > norm > without weighted clothing > powered up picollo ( what there is now > super namek or something
buu > fat > evil > super
cell > 1st stage > 2nd > perfect
krillin > mystic i heard yous said that he is the only complete char in 1.0 beta so he wil stay the same.
Trunks > norm > norm with sword ( makes melee do more damage ) > ssj > ussj >
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Nov 28, 2002
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Why we cant made it so, that it give a Kid gohan, AND a Adult gohan?!?!?!
I think this is best solution!

or, if it cant(;( ) we can make it so:

1st trans : Little gohan ... like right now
2nd trans: Ssj1 gohan... like right now
3rd trans : Ssj2 gohan... when he snaps on cell....
(By the way... that should be a move.. a snapping meter for gohan!)
and if there is ever going to be a 4th trans. he should turn MYSTIC! ( older gohan)

But i think the one Kid one Old, gohan is the best solution!!
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Nov 15, 2002
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i agree.
beacause gohan was stronger as a child than he was as an adult until he turns mystic. Vegeta even says this when gohan is fighting Dabura, he has't trained in so long that he has lost power.
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Nov 30, 2002
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just make 2 seperate models, a kid going ssj and then ssj2, and a adult going ssj then mystic. done
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Nov 10, 2002
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Originally posted by Styreta
just make 2 seperate models, a kid going ssj and then ssj2, and a adult going ssj then mystic. done
Dont you think that will be lame as hell people?

Going from

Normal - Super Saiya-Jin2 - Mystic (which is his normal form w/ more power)

He doesn't have anything special as a mystic, not any new looks
just new powers its retarted let the mystic gohan thing go. Just
I'd prefer Kid Gohan because it'd make more sense too w/ future
trunks on the scene.

And he looks even better w/ his SSJ2 hair style.
I dont know why this topic is a poll. Polls make random decisions
from alot of peoples opinions. the slightest mistake could be in a
poll. Especially one like this. I really dont wanna see adult gohan
The Viking
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Sep 29, 2002
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if goku will go sjj2 and ssj3 and vegeta also ssj2 then it also wouldn't make sense so i say adult gohan.
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Nov 10, 2002
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Whats the point of transformations being uneven Cold_Steel?
You got Freiza with 4 Transformations, Buu with 5, Cell with 3.
The topic is on Gohan anyway.

It wouldn't matter. Its all power :|
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Oct 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Proud_Prince

He doesn't have anything special as a mystic, not any new looks
just new powers its retarted let the mystic gohan thing go.

And he looks even better w/ his SSJ2 hair style.
I dont know why this topic is a poll. Polls make random decisions
from alot of peoples opinions. the slightest mistake could be in a
poll. Especially one like this. I really dont wanna see adult gohan
Mystic makes him look normal, true, but awesomeness is in the eye of the beholder :p Many people are out there right now posting about how awesome mystic gohan is blah blah include him. And this poll is not bugged at all. The margin of difference is too great... it's obvious that adult gohan wins.

And dude, if you're going to insult the disabled, spell it right.

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