Fun with Half Life 2

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May 30, 2003
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So, you beat HL2 on Hard mode? Still looking for something to do with it? Well, for those of you who are looking for more to do with HL2 then your in luck.

I found a couple neat items on the net, my favorite being the Bullettime mod. Not actually a mod, but rather a small config that, when ran, initiates a form of bullettime mode that is really quite fun with the physics engine. It also lowers the gravity a little, so the bodies fly all over the place in slow motion. The config binds Bullettime mode to a key, B. You can grab this little mod here, make sure you don't have anything binded to B though.

Another fun thing I found; NPC creation. You can find an open area just about anywhere in HL2, when you do, you can open the console and spawn as many NPCs as you want. Spawn an army of combine, or an army of resistance, or both, and have them fight to the death. These commands are extremly fun when used with the Bullettime mod. Check out the guide here. Find more neat files for HL2 here.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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Oh man, I remember doing stuff like this in JK2. Just cutting limbs off of unsuspecting NPC's that I would spawn in. It was a lot of fun, can't wait to try this out.
✔️ HL Verified
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Nov 28, 2002
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Tassadar said:
So, you beat HL2 on Hard mode? Still looking for something to do with it? Well, for those of you who are looking for more to do with HL2 then your in luck.

I found a couple neat items on the net, my favorite being the Bullettime mod. Not actually a mod, but rather a small config that, when ran, initiates a form of bullettime mode that is really quite fun with the physics engine. It also lowers the gravity a little, so the bodies fly all over the place in slow motion. The config binds Bullettime mode to a key, B. You can grab this little mod here, make sure you don't have anything binded to B though.

Another fun thing I found; NPC creation. You can find an open area just about anywhere in HL2, when you do, you can open the console and spawn as many NPCs as you want. Spawn an army of combine, or an army of resistance, or both, and have them fight to the death. These commands are extremly fun when used with the Bullettime mod. Check out the guide here. Find more neat files for HL2 here.
Please marry me <3
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Nov 10, 2002
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Spawning enemies? Wasn't this in HL1 as well? Ah well.
Ice Cream God
✔️ HL Verified
Dec 2, 2001
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Well i just got done messing with this a bit, and i must say it is awesome.
Running around with the bullettime while a small war is going on pwns.
Binding a few keys helps out alot.

Took some screenshots of teh pwnage.

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Oct 2, 2002
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Wahaha. I decided to try out the Starship Troopers thing.

F33r my ghetto barricade. Needless to say, the combine got owned; but there's some sad bug with ant lion guards that makes them instantly kill each other when there are lots of them really close (about half of them still made it, though.)

The mayhem!!! Who knew they would defeat the wooden dresser?!?

If you look to the right, you'll see a rollermine, and a dead combine soldier against a rock. What actually happened is, a rollermine attacked an ant lion guard, then the guard SMASHED the rollermine with it's head, sending it flying straight into the combine soldier.... you'd think it was pre-scripted.

Devastation (2 survivors)

I think next time I'll try that set-up, only with like 50 zombies >_>

EDIT: Just tried it with like 50 zombies (fast zombies mixed in too). If you have this game, it is a must do. Except for the fact that the sound was screwed up (too many sounds all at once; it came out badly) and my fps dropped so that everything was in slow-motion, it was still extremely pimp. I first thought the zombies would be retarded and just walk into the barricade, then all die. I was wrong. They treated all of the non-car objects as barrels/crates. In other words, when they reached the barricade, they RIPPED IT APART, tossing stuff everywhere.
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Jun 8, 2004
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Just played around with Bullet Time, then spawned a load of zombies in The Citadel and went to town, it's amazing, i'd have thought the animations for being picked up by the Super Phys Cannon would only apply to the combine, as they're the only ones who would get picked up, but it applys to everything, everything!
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May 21, 2004
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Yeah, setting up the huge battles is quite fun. I whipped up a quick bind list, so anyone who's interested, just add this to your bullettime.cfg, without removing what's already there. This is with all default binds, so if you've changed yours, make changes accordingly.

alias bttoggle bton
alias bton "+bt; alias bttoggle btoff"
alias btoff "-bt; alias bttoggle bton"
bind v bttoggle
bind "F9" noclip
bind "F10" notarget
bind "F11" ai_disable
bind "F1" "npc_create_equipment weapon_pistol"
bind "F2" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun"
bind "F3" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1"
bind "F4" "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2"
bind "F12" "npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg"
bind "KP_INS" "npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "KP_DEL" "npc_create npc_Vortigaunt"
bind "KP_END" "npc_create npc_monk"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "npc_create npc_alyx"
bind "KP_PGDN" "npc_create npc_barney"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "KP_5" "npc_create npc_metropolice"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "npc_create npc_manhack"
bind "KP_HOME" "npc_create npc_zombie"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "npc_create npc_zombie_torso"
bind "KP_PGUP" "npc_create npc_fastzombie"
bind "KP_ENTER" "npc_create npc_antlion"
bind "KP_PLUS" "npc_create npc_antlionguard"
bind "KP_MINUS" "npc_create npc_headcrab_black"
bind "*" "npc_create npc_headcrab_fast"
bind "KP_SLASH" "npc_create npc_headcrab"
ok, i added a bullettime toggle as V, so you don't have to hold down B anymore.

F1-4 and F12 are the weapon keys, to choose which weapons your npc's spawn with. I chose the 4 most seen and reliable weapons, pistol, shotgun, smg and combine assualt rifle. F12 is the rocket launcher, but some npc's don't always target with it, so it might be a bit glitchy for some people.

F9-11 are the noclip, notarget, and ai_disable commands, bound for ease of use.

the Keypad on the side is where i bound all the npc_create commands

., 0-3 are your allies
4-6 are combine and manhacks
7-9 are zombie variants
/,*,- are the headcrab variants
+, and Enter are the antlion and antlion guards.
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💻 Oldtimer
Feb 23, 2002
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Sweet, I was gonna make a bunch of binds, but this saves me the trouble. Thanks a lot!
Ice Cream God
✔️ HL Verified
Dec 2, 2001
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Messed with those binds, which were much more organized than my own, and with the right combination of characters and weapons came up with this screenshot.

A lot of the combine guys with those weapons started doing that when they had nothing else to do.

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💻 Oldtimer
Oct 2, 2002
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? The models always set themselves up like that when you disable the AI....
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Apr 7, 2004
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Yeah, I had that a lot too, but still, this is damned fun.

Basically, I set up an Ant Lion Guard on one side of the wooden shack near the first Sand Trap barracade. I set up 5 or so combine soldiers on the other side, 3 on the inside, and 8 or so just scattered.
'Twas a spectacle! The Lion Guard threw the car around and killed about 3 guys with it, and for the rest it just got in there and smacked them in the face. I think the Ant Lion Guard is tied with the Doom 1 Baron right now as my all-time favorite enemy.

Another thing I did was just fight a lone Lion Guard, but whenever it charged me and I moved to the side, I activated bullettime so it says a-like "froosh".

Also, I bound X to impulse 101, toggled bullet time, shot a few (4+) alt-fire 9mmAR grenades at the road under a dead Combine corpse, and after it was up to the point where grenades barely had an effect on it, I untoggled bullettime and watched it fly around and stuff.

And when it was about to land I but bullettime back on, went up and did a shotgun alt-fire as it landed.

Good stuff.

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