fighting against really good players

New Member
Sep 12, 2005
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hey! i'm playing for a couple of weeks now.. and i am not a total noob at all anymore...

but if i play against a really good player i don't even have any chance....

i lose the overview when somebody is teleportating all the time.. it just confuses me, and i cant block him, cause i'm just too slow getting to know where he is.. i notice it, when i am even punshed by him..

and for attackaing in this way i am not good enough, too.. i am asking myself all the time how he can attack me in that way so perfect.. cause if i try it i am just using my ki and dont have any positvie reslut, cause i dont get my opponent...

so now my questions are

1. could you give me tips for having a chance against such opponents.. (blocking them or other tips, so i have a little chance)?

2. could you tell me how they do it at all, for me getting to know and learn it, for fighting like that, too...?

would be great having some good answers for my problem ;)

real-goku @patrick star
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May 17, 2004
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I'd say try to keep an eye on your ki and keep recharging it every little chance you get.
It may be confusing, but try to keep an eye as much as you can on the oponent and if you can't see him/her, it's not really a good idea to stay put looking for the other player because you will probably get bashed around.
And about getting beaten by better players will always be like this, it's practice. There is always someone that has more experience and will beat you. Play, get a hold of the controls and posibilities they have.
Also it's good to learn how to confuse others with teleporting, but you will get your own style eventually or just adopt the one most players have.
Not sure if this will help you, there isnt really a specific answer that will automatically make you a player that is dificult to beat. It will take some time for you to be able to beat "good players", so that's all there is to it, practice.
New Member
Sep 12, 2005
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i know it needs practise.. and better players will always beat me.. but against thes players, i tried to explain, i donÄt have any chance.. not even one kill, or even some hits.... i don't wanna be a "good player" in one day.. but i thought somebody could give me a some tips how they do it.... so i can learn it with the time.. watching isn't enough (for me ;) )

but thx....
New Member
May 17, 2004
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Not watching, but practicing yourself. You'll get a hold of it sooner or later.
But basically, have fun :smile:
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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How are your FPS in game? FPS= Frames Per Second.

If you have anything lower than 60. It will be harder to see your opponents than most other people.

Pretty much all good players in ESF have anywhere from 60-100 fps ingame.

Also, fighting people better than you is a sure way to get better, as frustrating as it is.

Just watch them, copy them, and make your own style that works. See what they do, and how they do it. I'll give you a few tips:
-Don't swoop straight torward someone
-Try to get behind them, above them, below them, anywhere but infront of them.
-Double hits, and triple hits are everyone favourite, they love basic melee and hitting you where you can't dodge
-If you are ever in adv. melee, or hit toward the ground or against the wall: Hold the space bar for a quick recovery.
-Try not to leave yourself open
-If you know you are going to get hit; block, or teleport out of the way if you don't have time to block (blocking isn't as effective because it's not as quick.)
-When someone is down, or unable to move- ki blob them or throw some generic beams/balls at them for added damage.
-turbo=more pl=more damage toward player but ki drains faster.
-have good aim
-side hits are good- If you can side hit someone you're golden
-quick reflexes, adjust the controls to how you are comfortable playing with them, and can move freely.

Hope this helps.

To find out your fps ingame type "net_graph x" in your console 'x' can be either 1, 2 or 3
Freelance Mappzor
✔️ HL Verified
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Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
But you are 2 years yunger than me Ness.

Anyhow my advice is when fighting someone better try to mimic them. That wont work from the stert and you shouldnt do exacly as they do. But use some of there moves your own way. Also you can ask them how they do it. If the server is empty and you are nice than there is a bug chance they will teach you something ;)
New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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Here is another good tip. Remember the game isnt all visuals, it also has sounds. Use this to your advantage. Usually if I cant get an eye on my opponent fast enough, I listen for their charge. When i hear them draw near I teleport and use a counter attack. Seems to work well for me. Give it a try.
New Member
Apr 18, 2005
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well i tele alot so i use up my ki alot also but wat i do is that every time i tele i charge for like 2 secs and tele again to make sure that he wont hit me. u can do that also when u do a 2 hit and they dont hi the ground try charging for like 3 secs and then fire a small generic ball or a ki blast

now wat i need to learn is angle hits can anyone help me eith that
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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hiddenmist said:
well i tele alot so i use up my ki alot also but wat i do is that every time i tele i charge for like 2 secs and tele again to make sure that he wont hit me. u can do that also when u do a 2 hit and they dont hi the ground try charging for like 3 secs and then fire a small generic ball or a ki blast

now wat i need to learn is angle hits can anyone help me eith that
Hitting someone at an angle is easiest if you let them come to you. And at the last second swoop and hit them in the side.
New Member
Sep 22, 2004
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remember that even though this is a fighting is also a strategy game. Watch what your opponent does...pick up a bit of a precognition if you will and when you get good enough you can almsot guess where the opponent will go next. Don't try to do this all the time cause it will leave you open but anyone that fights me, knows that i sometimes will swoop upward randomly at you and sometimes get you when you least expect it.
New Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Fire Phoenix said:
How are your FPS in game? FPS= Frames Per Second.

If you have anything lower than 60. It will be harder to see your opponents than most other people.

Pretty much all good players in ESF have anywhere from 60-100 fps ingame.

Also, fighting people better than you is a sure way to get better, as frustrating as it is.

Just watch them, copy them, and make your own style that works. See what they do, and how they do it. I'll give you a few tips:
-Don't swoop straight torward someone
-Try to get behind them, above them, below them, anywhere but infront of them.
-Double hits, and triple hits are everyone favourite, they love basic melee and hitting you where you can't dodge
-If you are ever in adv. melee, or hit toward the ground or against the wall: Hold the space bar for a quick recovery.
-Try not to leave yourself open
-If you know you are going to get hit; block, or teleport out of the way if you don't have time to block (blocking isn't as effective because it's not as quick.)
-When someone is down, or unable to move- ki blob them or throw some generic beams/balls at them for added damage.
-turbo=more pl=more damage toward player but ki drains faster.
-have good aim
-side hits are good- If you can side hit someone you're golden
-quick reflexes, adjust the controls to how you are comfortable playing with them, and can move freely.

Hope this helps.

To find out your fps ingame type "net_graph x" in your console 'x' can be either 1, 2 or 3
is there a way to change ur FPS?
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 21, 2003
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Dragonballz4 said:
is there a way to change ur FPS?
Yes, there is.

You can upgrade your system components (cpu, ram, gfx card etc), update your gfx card drivers & tweak your gfx settings. Or, if you want to, you can go ahead and overclock you cpu/ram/gfx card, but don't blame us if they break (however, most oem pcs can't be overclocked =P).
New Member
Aug 10, 2005
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no offense and all but i didnt understand a word u said but danks anyways i'll ask some1 about that
New Member
Jul 22, 2004
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I'm assuming you have standard mouse sensitivity put it to 20 for a week then 40.
Generally more is better. You will lose accuracy first time but with practise you just make turns faster.

Peope always make long swoops. I say use short swoops and recharge more.
Also use fall key alot to move without wasting ki.
And make it a habit of putting turbo on every time you recharge ki.

Also teleport to where you think the enemy is next, works for me.

Thats about it. Good luck.
New Member
Sep 12, 2005
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hey! thanks guys.... some things i have done before i posted this (what means for me, i am not a total noob ;) :laff: )

and other things will really help me, i hope... i will test it in the next few days..

i don't know the exact number, but i know, that i have really low fps.... cause i have a bad pc.. but i don't worry about that.. i have to take it how it is... cause there is no money for a new pc... and uprgading isn't possible anymore....

so thanks again... i will let you to know, if i became better because of your tips :)

bye real goku @ Patrick Star(in game ;) )
Freelance Mappzor
✔️ HL Verified
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 21, 2003
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Stairing at the Abyss
real goku said:
Patrick Star(in game ;) )
I remember you. I joined your server under the nick MR.Crabs.

Hehe hope it helps ^^

PS looks like we boath have FPS problems XD
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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Turn your IN-GAME mouse sensitivity up (Default is 3 so make it about 5 to begin with), make sure to keep your ki bar up (recharge whenever possible), keep your scouter on RADAR mode at all times, teleporting is your friend.

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