Fallout 3 banned in Australia

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Oct 20, 2004
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Nix hit what i was gonna respond with on the test findings, I'm also fairly sure it was similar levels of aggressiveness as if the kids were playing sports, or even tag, it's been a while since i've read that study though. You also seemed to ignore the part after my anecdotal evidence where I said that theres hard proof violence has actually gone down in children statistically as more and more violent games have been coming out.

Furthermore your additional anecdotal evidence about kids you know having games taken away is canceled out by my own anecdotal evidence that I've sold more copies of M rated games to 8-10 year old kids than I can count, while the parents stood in front of me listening to me describe the games for them. Tit for tat, these games do end up in the hands of kids. If they can't play it at their house, I'll bet they have a friend on their block who has it. If you aren't blanket banning these sorts of things kids are finding access to it.
i agree i brought up my anecdotal evidence purely to counter act yours.

American adults are willfully ignorant of video games because they don't play them or understand why kids want them.
that's a fairly broad and sweeping statement based purely on your own experience. A neat statistic about games that a lot of people may not know is that rated E games are the best selling kind. Theres a reason for that because people feel safe buying those for their kids. You also have to remember that some parent's teach there kids well enough, or know their kids well enough to know they can handle mature video games even at a younger age.

You could also argue That playing violent video games in an unrealistic setting is a way of release and doing something your not supposed to do(like nix was saying). While exposure to sex at a young age in non realistic settings followed by the general expectation of society that you'll actually do it can cause people to have social problems. I actually have not seen a study on either of these things so i can't really say.
whereswarren (King_Vegeta)
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 6, 2004
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Just checked some gameplay, and no sour grapes or nothin- but the game looks kinda bad. Oblivion style.
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
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Nov 23, 2003
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But a lot of drugs do have positive effects when used in small doses. Hell, cocaine was and is still used as a pick me up in certain places in South America. They don't make snow mountains and dive in, but they take enough to stave off exhaustion for a bit. PCP can make you into the terminator until it wears off. MJ and Shrooms have both short-term and long-term positive effects. Steroids are good when used as prescribed. They're looking at the positive effects and completely ignoring all of the negative effects.
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💻 Oldtimer
Jun 19, 2006
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In the bushes, stealing your loot
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Death from Above
✔️ HL Verified
🚂 Steam Linked
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 25, 2001
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Get off my couch
I dunno

I prefer the old school fallout

I'm still pissed I can't buy it at all

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