fake moon attack and asaru apes.

New Member
Jun 27, 2004
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oh well. it isn't designed for people to fight alone. it would be designed for a group of four+ to fight it, it would be two a side (real good/evil teams). you would try to battle the azaru ape aswel as try to defend yourself from it and the other team.
New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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it would be kwl if you could battle the computer, which is controlling the azaru apes (plz, newcomers to this thread, read throughthe rest of it) and that the people themselves don't actually transform, it would be a good game mode offtopic; WHEN ARE THEY GUNNA FIX THE DRAGONBALL THING?
New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Why did you make two accounts, (SSS) Cakarot is obviously you, you're the only one uses azaru or whatever to spell oozaru even though it was spelt correctly so many times in this thread.

Sorry but i read through the whole thread and don't liek this idea, and btw vegeta's tail was also cut-off during the saiyan saga by Yarjirobe... None of the saiyans have tails past the saiyan saga, and how would advanced melee look, Seeing as the oozaru is so huge compared to the rest of the characters.
New Member
Dec 17, 2001
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umm... y2kenny.... there are characters in this game that actually *died* in the series. (aka frieza)... but are still in the game because they were* in the series at one point. Vegeta having a tail, would be totally possible as one point in the series he did have one.... BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT BECAUSE WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT VEGETA FRAGGIN TrANSFORMING.

btw, as for the spelling, dude with all honesty don't be a prick. Language barriers alter spelling.. example.. Freezer, Frezia, Frieza (it's not that big of a deal)
Kullian, Krillin, Kurrian.

:\ :p

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