1.3 will probably be the last version. ESF must have a tutorial for this version. If its done correctly, it would not be hard to implement. All the team would have to do is have a tutorial button on the start menu. Clicking it would start a single player game in a random map. Text would pop up welcoming the person to esf and telling them the controls of the game and the basic funtions (ie: how to melee, walljump, etc). After the person gets through all the text, a bot should be implemented on the easiest difficulty level with a text box saying something like "now lets try what you've just learned". The player fights the bot, if he wins, a menu comes up asking him whether he wants to up the difficultly level of the bot or play the bot again. If he loses, everyones health goes back to full and he tries again.
I think it would be worth it. I'm sick of everyone asking how to play the game, plus the fact that many players quit because the game seems to hard. I know I stopped playing for 3 months after i tried the game because it just seemed impossible.
I think it would be worth it. I'm sick of everyone asking how to play the game, plus the fact that many players quit because the game seems to hard. I know I stopped playing for 3 months after i tried the game because it just seemed impossible.