Element = Stupid Ass Kid

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Sep 8, 2002
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His name shows as ******* because I renamed him to his old name (his S/N is **** ***** *, Please Feel Free To Annoy Him, He Constantly Lies, Pretends To Be ESF & DMZ Team Members, and much more.

Element: are you gonna make a server today
BebiSealClubber: I already did a few times
Element: Are you gonna again
BebiSealClubber: maybe
Element: I know a dbz rpg
Element: like
Element: thats like8
Element: *
Element: dark ages
Element: and you can fuse
Element: and stuff
Element: and go ssj6
Element: Its on byond
BebiSealClubber: Thats ghey
BebiSealClubber: Anyways
Element: its cool
BebiSealClubber: I made a yellow kamehameha
Element: for...
BebiSealClubber: SSJ5+ = ghey Cuz It's Not Real
BebiSealClubber: ESF
Element: why
BebiSealClubber: People requested it
Element: lol thats dumb
BebiSealClubber: Everyone has their opinions
Element: esf isnt really a big model sprite thing more of a map
BebiSealClubber: ?

* I understand people are Dumb! First off plz dont flame them...
If they try to QUOTE "PRETEND" to be a team member... let them.. they are just being someone they aren't and making a fool of themselves.
New Member
Jul 31, 2002
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lmao...your right he is one stupid ass kid..." esf isnt really a big model sprite thing more of a map" how dumb can he be lol!

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