to put your own avatar in, you have to have 50 posts, but dont go spamming (you know, making total pointless threads, search before you ask and dont add stuff like "yes" or "nice" or "agreed" to the end of threads pllllllzzzz )Originally posted by Mad_Tien-SH
Well... that never happend to me before... I'm a newbie and people are still nice...
spank you, spank you silly for your help
by the way if I allready in an asking mood... I can I put my own Avatar....?
Sorry to be such a n00b... :\
heej urk,Originally posted by [FU2]Spid3rm@n
i had all the dragonballs but how do i make i wish ?
where do i find more maps ?
does every map as Dragonballs ?????
sorry about my english i am from Holland