Dragonball AF

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May 17, 2006
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I under stand that many fans are excited over Dragonball AF, and it is what I have been lead to believe that the series is under construction. So far this is the info i found out.

Info 1 - These are the episodes that have been created so far:
1) The Beginning
2) His Mistake
3) Boronks is furious
4) name not yet decided
Info 2 - There are 5 super saiyan levels
Info 3 - New fusion earings wear created(fusion with up to 3 people!)
Info 4 - Goten has had a new born baby !
Info 5 - Boronks is a huge guy(bigger than brolly)he is a super saiyan level 3 and is anxious to be stonger than Anciestor goku level 5 (white hair dude)but goku is not yet at his max power he still has level six!

I also found some rumors

Rumor 1 - Dragonball AF is a series thet takes place after DBGT, Goku jr. and Vegita jr. are best friends like Trunks and Goten. They get caught up different adventures.(Again these are just rumors, dont hold me responsible for bad information.)
Rumor 2 - DBAF stands for Dragonball Alpha. There super saiyan level 5 and Gotenks becomes Super Saiyan 4.(Again these are just rumors, dont hold me responsible for bad information.)
Rumor 3 - Akira Toriyama will have no part in DBAF, it is under construction and doesn't contain any of the DB/Z/GT characters.(Again these are just rumors, dont hold me responsible for bad information.)
Rumor 4 - Everyone fuses and become gohnvegpandenpicclhurclegotentrunktenks.(Again these are just rumors, dont hold me responsible for bad information.)
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Sep 11, 2005
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i really wont get interseted in AF unless one episode comes out then i would watch it, sounds like some good ideas

P.S. ive made a thread of this topic last year
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fact: Dragonball AF = Dragonball April Fools

Cant belive ppl still think AF is real ...
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Mar 6, 2003
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New York
DragonBall AF is fake. It was a hoax for April Fools day.

See the connection?

April Fools?

Glad we got that cleared up.

DJ you dirty boy posting before me. /me shakes fist.

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