downgrade psp

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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2002
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Obviously since Sony fixed the PSP to avoid this, they don't want you doing it. Closing the thread, asking for warez is not allowed. Please don't post links that have to do with hacking/warez/emulation or anything else like that. Warning to bob for asking for emulation again.. and one to kurt for providing a link. :warning:
Moving with Sonic Speed
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 9, 2003
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Warnings removed upon review as an emulator was not specifically requested and the link went to a legitimate website that doesn't break any laws as far as I can tell, and only provides one emulator, with no roms. Consider the warnings friendly. If in doubt about the content of what you are discussing, just avoid it, or come to us about it first, otherwise we'll react quickly and harshly.

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