Are you talking about a backdoor Trojan, or something else? I had a similar problem a couple weeks ago. Norton constantly blocked the IP from attempting to access my PC, yet whoever was behind it wouldn't give up--I get the "A recent attempt to attack your hard drive was blocked" from Norton everytime I boot up my PC. Someone obviously has your IP address, and something I've learned is if you're using two PC's and frequently transferring files through the two via 'file sharing' enabled, hungry hackers will find out, maybe through some sort of list of 'local accessible IP's'. If you have Norton it'll block any incoming attempts so I wouldn't worry about blocking the IP. But, it seems to me posters here don't know what you're talking about. Are the attacks occurring through a direct connection to another person or some other way? Just run Norton, disable File Sharing if it isn't already, and make sure your Firewall is on. I don't know what else to say...