Hiya Folks,
We've just completed a long-overdue upgrade of the ESF Forums to vBulletin 3.5. This upgrade was made possible thanks to all of our awesome Forcepit subscribers, who have amounted $210 towards the ongoing hosting costs of ESF since September 2004. Thanks again to the following people:
cdudley11, DarkSniper, DragonDude, Draylock1, DScythe, ESFVoltage, Esf_Newbie, Evsei, Fatality, Fire Phoenix, frsrblch, Gama, Growler, imkongkong, Jonesdaniel, Kaination, KidBoy17, MuscularYoda, NeoBlaze, Ness, Numenor, perfectwingzero, Phobius, Ravendust, Rayne, ReCkOninG of FirE, Rixorster, Robby, SA_Gohan, sean, Shiyojin Rommyu, solidus, ssjevot, SSJGoku83, SuperDragonFist, T!G3R, TTSS, UltimaWeapon444, verse7, WhiteKnight989, Zeonix and ~*Logan*~.
Enjoy the forum upgrade - there are a number of cool new features, such as AJAX integration and more!