Well, first things first. If any of you want this thread to "stay afloat", I suggest you avoid comments such as the ones made previously telling someone that they are "full of it" for posting their opinions. Even if facts are inflated in this thread, it gives you NO RIGHT to do anything that is remotely a flame, and let me remind you, since this seems to slip through my cautionary posts almost every time, this is NOT AN OPTION. Consider this a global friendly warning. I never like they way these threads end up, and they almost always end up the same way, so watch it, gents.
On to the topic, now: I doubt Nintendo will die off from the PSP vs DS competition. The Gamecube may not be the top-selling system here in North America, but, let's face it, it isn't doing all that poorly, either (poor Dreamcast
). Even then, Nintendo still has their Japanese sales to fall back on if worse comes to worse. The Gamecube and the PS2 are completely destroying the X-Box in Japan, and, for some reason, and DON'T quote me on this, I have a wierd hunch that the DS will probably sell reasonably well in Japan...it just seems like the kind of thing that would become trendy there, but, as was said earlier, only time will tell.
Another thing, and I mentioned this in the lasts PSP thread I saw - I would love a PSP, but I am willing to bet that the price tag will hold me off for quite some time until I can either get one used or until the price is in my range. That's not to say the DS will be cheap either. If they are gonna compete with the DS, it may have to be a powerful handheld as well, and that might but its price well out of my range as well
From my standpoint, why not just work harder and get the systems you want. If you are so devoted to this industry that you'd argue your choice in systems till the bitter end, I'd think you'd have the drive to save up some money or some time to give every console its fair share. Hell, if I weren't so pinch-penny, I'd probably have an X-Box just to cover the range of games I can't get with my PS2 and GCN! I personally think that ownership has too much to do with this argument. People defend the systems/companies they own products of, and some people don't have the time and patience to give other systems a try, but that's just my bit.
I cannot vote in the poll because I don't know enough about both systems to make an educated choice, particularly the DS, PSP clips have been released, but nothing from the DS, so I don't see how it'd be fair to expect such a vote at this time