Fujin said:
You can charge your attacks if you wish... that's what's going on.
I do know that you can charge some attacks, but I'm not quite sure if it's possibly with all. To explain further I'm gonna use the new video at gametrailers that SV posted for reference.
So in one of the last clips we have Goku vs Teen Gohan at the cell arena.
At some moment we can see Gohan using the Gekiretsu Madan, when doing this the game pauses and the camera zooms in on the player in a cutscene like way before actually launching the attack (ala Tenkaichi 1 style).
Later on in the same clip we see Gohan doing a Masenko, this time firing it off directly, without the cuscene and without charging it.
What could this mean then, well it could just mean that it differs with the different attacks, some are fired off directly and some not, right? Sure that sounds like a fairly believable answer... but
of course I have to add a twist to that, just to mess things up ^^'.
Now If I remember correctly we saw that in the japenese demo videos at youtube Turles did some kind of cirle attack. Several times you could see the camera zooming in on him first before he launched it, BUT at some point in one of the videos he clearly fired of the SAME attack DIRECTLY at the enemy, no cutscene whatsoever.
How is that possible you ask yourself?
Well, do note that I could just remember it wrong and all the attacks were done in a cutscene like manner, but if not,
what could this mean?