Completely New Melee System

Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
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How this works.

First of all you'll need Mouse1 Melee to become a basic melee..

How it works.. you hold Mouse1 and fly into someone. Right as you land the hit time slows down and the hitting animations completets. When it's done both players are engaged into a NEW melee system where time picks back up.

with this new melee system their is a new meter called the "Boost Meter"
This meters fills up in 3 seconds... It allows you to swoop for a short 3 seconds, something similar to a side step

Either player can escape swooping away after 5 seconds if a hit isn't landed. If a Hit is landed the player can only escape by not being hit for 5 seconds.

to escape simply swoop up using jump.

how the fighting works-

Ok to fight you use the direction buttons. Example double tapping the right directions makes you swing right with weak dmg. double tapping and holding the right direction them letting go makes you swing right with strong damage.
you can change up the combination like so. Example... holding up then double taping the right arrow lets you use a different kind of right hit.

So their is a possiblitly of many many many hands on combinations here.

now to move around you hold MOUSE1 and double tap a direction to side step/swoop step this is good for moving around attacking, dodging hits escaping hits ect..

holding alt causing you to use your BOOST bar and your player powers up his energy. The effects: your player is now stronger but more sluggish...

If alt is used while charging a big beam then the beam charges faster..

if alt is used while blocking your block is more effective and lasts longer.

blocking: you can block but the black can be broken. you can block a maximum of 3 to 4 hits if they hits are done fast enough. If a block is broken your player goes through a short period of sluggishness/tiredness.

Battle Tweaks-

when fighting noises will randomly appear in certain incidents indicating for a player to use their BOOST BAR. If a player press alt fast enough the combo continues and their character performs a vicous combo. The player defending this combo also gets an oppurtunity to use their boost bar and if successful they take far far less dmg then if they had regularly blocked, because the block wouldnt' be broken.
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
Best answers
Well you see.. The entire fight isn't done in a "slowed down time". ONly the HIT that engages them into this "new mode" is slowed down to emphasize the hit.. then once the hit is completed time picks up

also... Ever played "the specialist" it has a slow down feature as well..

also when 2 players are engaged in this mode others may enter this field/ bubble around these players that grows depending on how many are inside.. The bubble is a tranparent enerygfield and when a player enters it time is temporarily slowed down for that player maybe like 1 to 2 seconds to emphasize him entering the field.
whereswarren (King_Vegeta)
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 6, 2004
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Gain a greater understanding of the game and think your suggestion through alot more.

Also a new melee system is in the works as it is- and they have a fairly good idea what they're going to do so most melee suggestions are futile unless they are very carefully planned out.

Eg: ESF 1.3 melee design doc
Lost in space
Jun 7, 2006
Best answers
Couch*.. excuse me >.> i know alot about the game... but that isn't the point.. please post to critique the idea.. that way it can be possible to shape this idea to a better one. Btw my idea as it is, is kinda of general , but only because i haven't thought about it down to the very core..critiques are how the idea is developed to the core

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