all i can say is who gives a ****
if someone wants to cheat, its up to them. There going to get caught in the end.. all there doing while cheating is losing there own natural skill they got before they cheated.
People cheat for a few reasons:
1) to piss people off
2) because they want to try it out
3) because they want to get back at the current cheaters in the game
There will be other reasons, but why go on about aimbots, just because you seem to know more about aimbots doesn;t make us think more of you in a good way, just makes us think you a bit of a sad git for now this and shows us you have cheated in other HL games before, not something to be proud about.
*/me await the flame reply*
couldn't give a **** what you say.. i'm too sleepy to give 2 f**ks