Cheat protection...

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Feb 18, 2003
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Sorry Mr. Satan but aimbots *DO* exist for melee, and scripts as Sonic pointed out. Both aggrivate me, but its rare to see someone using anything. I give them the benefit of the doubt and say they are better than me, unless it gets to the point of rediculous youd-have-to-have-seven-hands-to-do-that stuff.
Lost in space
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Mar 21, 2002
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Originally posted by mysticssjgoku4

im sick of seeing this.
Anything That Gives An Advantage Over Another Player is a Cheat.
So according to Sonic, skill is a cheat ;/?
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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God, why are you people so mean to me? Can't you read inbetween the lines? I said anything you add into the game. Your skill is added into you, through you, that's different. If you were popping speed before you played that would be cheating on some level, but not much we can do about it, and that's screwing up you more than us. I mean things you do that change the game, be it configs or otherwise.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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Originally posted by Sonic Boyster
God, why are you people so mean to me? Can't you read inbetween the lines? I said anything you add into the game. Your skill is added into you, through you, that's different. If you were popping speed before you played that would be cheating on some level, but not much we can do about it, and that's screwing up you more than us. I mean things you do that change the game, be it configs or otherwise.
Chill man, take a joke. I understood what you said, I just felt like adding a witty remark :laff:
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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No! You're lieing! You're always mean to me! Why?! Whhhyyyy!?!?!

Alright, I can take a joke, but sarcasm doesn't show up well over the internet... ok, I'll calm down. Thanks for clearing that up anyhow. I'm sure somebody would have said the same thing later if you hadn't!
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Oct 27, 2002
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bahh.... somone cheats.... Just kick there ass around alot..... then u slap him with adminmod alot, then you bann him :D
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Nov 5, 2002
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Model switching can be a cheat and sometimes it's not, it really depends on your intent... I haveto agree with all of the people saying that cheats are useless in this game, becuase i haven't ever had a problem with it, i play this game almost every day.
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Apr 4, 2003
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ah yes but scripting is not cheating in many peoples eyes. . .

Yet it is a real issue that shouldn't be ignored just because valve says its not really cheating. when they said that it wasn't they where refering to what it could do in relation to most hl mods, yet esf isn't like most hl mods.
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Dec 19, 2002
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lol u fool, aimbots can be used for anything, they can keep you locked on an enemy as you fly about, then when they are just in range they can auto melee, getting perfect hits, or even for beams, so they just keep locked on you, the only thing that helps with this is the teleport function :)
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Dec 18, 2002
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all i can say is who gives a ****

if someone wants to cheat, its up to them. There going to get caught in the end.. all there doing while cheating is losing there own natural skill they got before they cheated.

People cheat for a few reasons:

1) to piss people off
2) because they want to try it out
3) because they want to get back at the current cheaters in the game

There will be other reasons, but why go on about aimbots, just because you seem to know more about aimbots doesn;t make us think more of you in a good way, just makes us think you a bit of a sad git for now this and shows us you have cheated in other HL games before, not something to be proud about.

*/me await the flame reply*
couldn't give a **** what you say.. i'm too sleepy to give 2 f**ks :p
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Dec 19, 2002
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ive never cheated m8, i hate cheats, theres a distinct lack of morals, just cos i know how they work dont mean that i use em, besides i know people who use cheats, which pisses me off, esp in lan games at uni \:(

either way, i was asking if there was any anti cheat software thats compatible with esf, why would i use it and then ask for it? and im not looking for people to admire over this, it was just asking for help.

Please take ur flaming elsewhere, against someone who cheats :)
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Apr 4, 2003
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think as everyone has posted before just hlgard and CD. dont think esf is popular enough for any anti-cheating software to be customized for this game.
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Jan 2, 2003
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you dont relize, all scripts were included with the mod.
all you had to do was put them together,
so they are released with the mod, but not built.

so therefore their not cheats.
because they were released with the actual game.
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Apr 3, 2003
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Scripts are cheats, like being able to teleport 50 times in one second. If anyone cheats or uses scripts that enhances their performance without actual skill, then they should be kicked off the server, end of story. I dont care about skill, if a person kicks my ass, so be it, but if they used scripts to do it then it is unfair.
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Mar 16, 2003
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if you think scripts are cheats, blow me.
*blows ssjgoku4 :S* jk
No! You're lieing! You're always mean to me! Why?! Whhhyyyy!?!?!
Because your a bum and we hate you :p... :laff: jk.... Its funny to see how you respond...
Scripts are cheats, like being able to teleport 50 times in one second. If anyone cheats or uses scripts that enhances their performance without actual skill, then they should be kicked off the server, end of story. I dont care about skill, if a person kicks my ass, so be it, but if they used scripts to do it then it is unfair.
I find that impossible...... You cant teleport more thn 30 times without runnin out of ki :S... the most I've done was 14 :D... So I dunno... But 50? Thats insane....
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Apr 4, 2003
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Originally posted by mysticssjgoku4
you dont relize, all scripts were included with the mod.
all you had to do was put them together,
so they are released with the mod, but not built.

so therefore their not cheats.
because they were released with the actual game.
well thats y halflife doesn't consider them cheats. however some scripts created esf can have a very devastating effect on the game makeing it less enjoyable to play. y should a noob be able to go one on one with someone that has been playing for years, and there are scripts out there that gives noobs the ability to do just that.

Originally posted by Lone Wolf
You cant teleport more thn 30 times without runnin out of ki :S... the most I've done was 14 :D... So I dunno... But 50? Thats insane....
he was just makeing a point that if someone has a script that does that they can move from one end of the map to the other getting away from the danger. and sure u can do this urself anyway but how is it fair to other players in the game who dont use scripts. i mean u wont always get away from people 100% of the time but ur chances improve dramatically when u do use scripts doesn't that make it a cheat.

i mean like wall hacks u can see the person through the wall yet it doesn't guarantee that u will kill them 100% of the time either and this is classified as a cheat.
New Member
Feb 23, 2003
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the more the community grows the more hackers they'll be that create cheats so get used to the idea that cheats exist. Plus its not life esf is much more secure than any other HL mod.
New Member
Apr 4, 2003
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well i guess thats what this thread is all about. its seems to have turned into a discussion over weather or not scripting in "ESF" should be considered a cheat.
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Nov 27, 2002
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mysticssjgoku4 - bugs came with the game, too. If you exploit them, is that cheating? Yes. Yes, it is.

As for the rest - Sonic Boyster sums it all up pretty neatly. Again. Testify!
New Member
Mar 10, 2003
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Originally posted by Mr. Satan
Aimbots for melee my ass. It's called high mouse sensitivity, different pitch settings, & mouse filter. Seriously, try to learn something before you say something is a cheat :S

I don't like cheats, but the one thing I hate worse than a cheater, is a dumbass n00b who doesn't know anything about what the hell he/she is talking about ;(

Just like the other day, some guy was like "OMFG How did you knock me?! I was blocking you hacker!!" ~_~ and the more common "What the hell?! How you hit me so fast?!"
think about trying to dodge a beam when its locked onto you with ah aimbot.. thats what it would be used for.. who needs one with melee?

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