Capture the balls??!!

New Member
Nov 22, 2003
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I´m new in this game and I hope someone can tell me how can I do to play "capture the dragon balls", becouse I want to play it.

New Member
Nov 22, 2003
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It's really quite simple. Pick up the dragon balls and bring all of them together. Doesn't matter where
New Member
Oct 10, 2003
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you have to use a advance setting and you have to pick ctdb mode it means capture the dragonballs duh and u only can use certin maps like cell day and night and riverside im not sure about that one though hope this clears it up for you
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 22, 2002
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Steps to create a Capture The DragonBall Game:

1. Go to Multiplayer, then Internet Games then Create Game

2. Go down to where it says game mode and pick CTDB. Choose your map, pick your name, yata yata yata.

3. When ingame press F9 for the scouter to come down, any orange dots on this scouter are DragonBalls. Use the scouter to narrow down the location of one and then just run\fly over it to pick it up. Then move it to the place of your choice. To drop the DragonBall just select another attack (eg hit 1).

4. Use step 3 until you have all the DragonBalls in ONE location. There has to be 7 of them a close distance apart for this to work.

5. Now that you have them close together (all 7). They should start glowing. Hit the use key (defaulted to E) and a menu will come up.

6. You can choose from: Strength, Friendship or Imortal (or something like that). To choose just highlight what you want and click with the mouse.

Strength: Selecting this allows 1 000 000 added to your powerlevel\ki.

Friendship: Adds another wish on top of the one you just gained.

Imortal (or whatever it is): Allows you to be invinsible (not able to be hurt) for 30 seconds.

Note that when you make a wish 1 is added to the column Wish. This one is placed along side with your kills and deaths. Some servers use a wish limit, the first team to reach a certain amount of wishes wins.

7. Once your wish is granted the DragonBalls go flying away in random spots that the mapper has chosen (using entities). There is a time limit (can be set) for the amount of time the Dragonballs take to reform.

8. Once they are not grey and stone coloured, repeat steps 3-8 for another wish.
New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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yo just to mention this but not all levels have dragonballs and some r even short of dragonballs like on riverside. 7 is read on the radar but there r only 6. but capturing the dragonballs is still fun.

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