Cannot connect to other lan games in my house

Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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I posted this problem a long time ago and it hadnt been soved yet
I'll tell you exactly what happens!
whenever I or my bro tries to connect to eachother's games on our lan
we get a messege(each one - sepretaly) that we cannot connect
to the lan game unless we install that costum game - ESF...
(while the game actually IS installed on both of our PCs!)
I think that you might say to me that its because our
liblist(.extantion - I dont remmeber) is not the same on both our PCs

but its not , we both have the same liblist file and I checked , it is as
a liblist file should be - no bugs on that one

I've reinstalled ESF and HL a few times b4 posting this

both of our SPEC [edit]pentiums,RAM,MHZ,HLandESF versions,Graphic Cards,
yes=>using open gl, ETC.....[/edit]
is fine , I checked it also...

:cool: :cool: :cool:

well... I think I gave you all the needed data about my problem
please help me seriusly this time and dont spam my thread so it wont close again!

thnx from advanced! and gl :yes:
New Member
Aug 24, 2003
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Is it only the game that doesn't work or can't you even connect?
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
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darn , a noob! :\
(no hard feelings :] , but you are :S ...)
I need a coder or a moderator or another expert (-that
doesnt tells each buger guy to just reinstall-) to help me :cry: :talk: ...

:warning: <i><u>as for your question</u>
Where I play ESF I dont have internet
so I only play lan games with bots...
<small>yea , poor me..</small>. <big>anyway: <b>AS I ALREADY MENSIONED!!!</b></big>
it happens (AND ONLY!!!) when <i>I try to connect to my bro's game
or when he tries to connect to mine....

I still require help about this
:warning: its not my fault , its your bug! I need a solution!
B-( :no:
New Member
Jan 29, 2003
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hey miki800 long time no see old friend.
ontopic: you said: *that we cannot connect
to the lan game unless we install that costum game *

does any of you have custom models/maps/sounds/sprites installed?
because if the files of 1 of you 2 are different and you got the lock models on. then you cannot join the host.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 8, 2002
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Miki800, don't call others n00ba, and to fix this problem, search your LISTENSERVER.CFG for sv_lan "0" change it to 1
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💻 Oldtimer
Aug 21, 2002
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Mr. Satan said:
and to fix this problem, search your LISTENSERVER.CFG for sv_lan "0" change it to 1
sv_lan "1" means only LAN ... then noone from internet could join the game
sv_lan "0" means not only lan ... so everyone can join the game ... even LAN joiners
if this really would be problem, he would get another error message

TTSS said:
because if the files of 1 of you 2 are different and you got the lock models on. then you cannot join the host.
no ... not really ... lockmodels only mean that every char has a fixed model ... turn it off and you can change your model ingame .. just by typing "model ssjgoku"
the models can be different

Miki800 said:
darn , a noob!
if you say so you're the noob ... first flaming isn't allowed, so be careful
second ... his question was ok
he just thought that you're smart enough to understand his question:
does it only happen with ESF ??? or with other games/ mods, too ???

Miki800 said:
its not my fault , its your bug! I need a solution!
if it would be "my/ our fault" then noone would be able to play ESF on lan ... but nice try ... it has to be your fault
just try to reinstall HL (full) and ESF1.1 (full) on both pcs
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
Best answers
darn, I wrote a lot of stuff... and it failed sending it
well , I dont have much time now , G2G

I am sorry for flaming and HEY TTSS WHATS UP?
I'll try Mr. Satan's and TTSS solutions

sv_lan 0

please send more replies....

[edit](IM back now..)
oh WOW!!! I cant believe that...
(BTW - your helptions didnt help... but its OK cause I think there
might be another solution for this now!!! :cool: ;) )
I almost solved my problem OMG this is so close...
I figured out that in order for the system to identify ESF as HL Mod
I need to run the file HL.exe without the "-game ESF" thingy thing
and then select modes from Half Life - choosing ESF...
this is the closest thing I have to our connection
now he can try and connect me and the system knowbs thatwe have the same mod!
<big><u><b><i>but, there is a new problem</u>:</i></b></big>

when he tries to connect to my game(or I to his...) - the game - at the one hosting it freezes
and there are 4 attempts of the one seeking to connect - then failure!
after the failure the one who tried to connect exits the LAN games menu
the games - at the one hosting it - UNFREEZES
and I can play again - but without my bro....

I think that there could be an easier solution to this one
at least I hope so!
Active Member
💻 Oldtimer
Aug 21, 2002
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the problem was .. the ESF directory is called "esf" not "ESF" ... if you change it, it should work fine (not sure, but I think so)

check your connection between both PCs .. try it with other mods/ games ... try to join with GameTiger (and LAN-IP) ... check your Firewall
Lost in space
May 8, 2003
Best answers
the problem was .. the ESF directory is called "esf" not "ESF" ... if you change it, it should work fine (not sure, but I think so)
-100% not problem
I just wrote the thing called ESF, I didnt COPY PASTE the info if the ESF link from the source....

check your connection between both PCs .. try it with other mods/ games ... try to join with GameTiger (and LAN-IP) ... check your Firewall

-our connection is finr - I tried to check it with some site called or something that checks speed

+ I dont have a fire wall , at least not when I am offline
(I turned it off...)
UT can be played in the lan, also StarCraft
and other games that I dont remmember....

about that thing called "GAMETIGER" - is it similar to the program
"THE ALL SEEING EYE"??? if it is I'll try it instead.
thank you very very very much neterp!!!
I used that all seeing eye thing and it worked
WOW it has been a long time since the last time
I had my ESF with no errors and such....

now the only error I have is that one
about the dll messege of ESF bots 3...
that a crashing + freezing is occuring once in a few hours
but that is for another thread...
again txu very much for this!!!

<strike>anyway , I still need more help to solve this problem....</strike>
Active Member
💻 Oldtimer
Aug 21, 2002
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first ... quote my posts next time !!!

Miki800 said:
-100% not problem
I just wrote the thing called ESF, I didnt COPY PASTE the info if the ESF link from the source....
I mean change it in your shorcut ... not "-game ESF" ... try "-game esf" andtry again to join

Miki800 said:
-our connection is finr - I tried to check it with some site called or something that checks speed
I didn't talk about your internet connection ... I meant the connection between both PCs ... like ping and tracert

Miki800 said:
UT can be played in the lan
then HL should work, too

Miki800 said:
, also StarCraft
StarCraft uses IPX ... HL mainly TCP/IP ... disable IPX in HL by adding "-noipx" in your HL-shorcut (recommend by me)

Miki800 said:
about that thing called "GAMETIGER" - is it similar to the program "THE ALL SEEING EYE"??? if it is I'll try it instead.
that's a clear yes and no ... ASE is a programm which connects to servers and shows you gameservers ... by doubleclicking, you join the server
GameTiger ... you visit a website ... enter a keyword, and it shows you all servers which matches ... then you DL a lil file (with IP) and open it with the lil GameTiger program ... but you also can type IPs manually, what it recommend if you join a LAN server or a known server

Miki800 said:
thank you very very very much neterp!!!
no problem ... just spell my nick correctly next time !!!

Miki800 said:
now the only error I have is that one
about the dll messege of ESF bots 3...
that a crashing + freezing is occuring once in a few hours
but that is for another thread...
if you mention you other thousand thread ... link them and don't just mention them here ... this problem seems to be "fixed" ... so this thread should have end with your post (above this one)

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