Better than Cheater-Strike, TFC etc.

💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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Its become a reality gandering at all the pictures and teaser videos(saiyan powerup is awesome) That this mod is top notch. Clever ideas and good coding have made this mod really good(Not sucking up) This mod is just a good idea. Im tired of shooting at OGC hacking *******s who kill me with awps through walls and the hordes of clans who use nothing but silent colts (Cause their pussies) and ak-47s. TFC after a while just gets monotonous(Not much depth) except for the spy and engineer. The only mod that is even close to gameplay with ESF is Day of Defeat(and it has its limitations) I wasn't much of a dbz fan till started playing this. this mod has more possibilites than u realize. i hope u realize it.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Feb 3, 2002
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we know.. the only thing wich is holding esf back from becoming the perfect supermod, is that most ppl think DBZ sucks...
so it's won't be as populair as dod or cs or tfc..
New Member
Jun 19, 2002
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Its become a reality gandering at all the pictures and teaser videos(saiyan powerup is awesome) That this mod is top notch. Clever ideas and good coding have made this mod really good(Not sucking up) This mod is just a good idea. Im tired of shooting at OGC hacking *******s who kill me with awps through walls and the hordes of clans who use nothing but silent colts (Cause their pussies) and ak-47s. TFC after a while just gets monotonous(Not much depth) except for the spy and engineer. The only mod that is even close to gameplay with ESF is Day of Defeat(and it has its limitations) I wasn't much of a dbz fan till started playing this. this mod has more possibilites than u realize. i hope u realize it.
Wow, I never knew the cs community would fall back to this noobie state. I know this isn't a cs forum but has the thought crossed your mind that maybe you just suck? I mean complaining about the m4 and ak is just sad. And you point out "who use nothing but silent colts (Cause their pussies)"....even sadder. Yes, I know what I'm talking about because i'm a "pro" so to speak. I've been in top clans and know what I'm doing. Sorry everybody for the flame and for the punctuation if any. rofl, i cant believe i registered just to reply to this comment.

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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 25, 2001
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Originally posted by iS-Trunks
Its become a reality gandering at all the pictures and teaser videos(saiyan powerup is awesome) That this mod is top notch. Clever ideas and good coding have made this mod really good(Not sucking up) This mod is just a good idea. Im tired of shooting at OGC hacking *******s who kill me with awps through walls and the hordes of clans who use nothing but silent colts (Cause their pussies) and ak-47s. TFC after a while just gets monotonous(Not much depth) except for the spy and engineer. The only mod that is even close to gameplay with ESF is Day of Defeat(and it has its limitations) I wasn't much of a dbz fan till started playing this. this mod has more possibilites than u realize. i hope u realize it.
Dude, no offense but the Anticheating software these days has improved so much that it is nearly im possible for anyone to cheat without getting caught. And maybe you just aint having your good days lately. Performance is like rollercoaster for us veterans.
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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Originally posted by aluminumfoyle

Wow, I never knew the cs community would fall back to this noobie state. I know this isn't a cs forum but has the thought crossed your mind that maybe you just suck? I mean complaining about the m4 and ak is just sad. And you point out "who use nothing but silent colts (Cause their pussies)"....even sadder. Yes, I know what I'm talking about because i'm a "pro" so to speak. I've been in top clans and know what I'm doing. Sorry everybody for the flame and for the punctuation if any. rofl, i cant believe i registered just to reply to this comment.


you the one to speak. ive been playing since it came out. when mansion and hideout were the only maps. when the colt zoomed etc. its just an opinion i have about cs. eventually(you know and i know) these hacking ****s will figure away to get pass the anti-cheat program. that why you always see a new version of cs. lets just close this conversation.
New Member
Jun 19, 2002
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nowhere in my post did i say anything about cheating. Actually, yes, i agree with you on that issue. I was addressing the post about those weapons you pointed out.
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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CS is a *** trend that will die sooner or later. Hopefully soon because I hate that goddamn game.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 25, 2001
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Unfortunately, it wont cuz you will always have those damn HL n00bs who think that the only mod for HL is CS!! Im convinced that CS is a mod monopoly!!
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Retired Forum Staff
💻 Oldtimer
Feb 4, 2002
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I agree.

I use to play CS all the time. Well...until I found a pretty little gem known as ESF.

CS is nothing but mean people that play it all the time and make of people who aren't as good as they are.

I do take great offense being called a loser by someone who does nothing but play CS


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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Originally posted by Arthos Returns

Dude, no offense but the Anticheating software these days has improved so much that it is nearly im possible for anyone to cheat without getting caught. And maybe you just aint having your good days lately. Performance is like rollercoaster for us veterans.
Wahahahahahahahahahahhahaaahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahaha, sorry that was SO funny :D

Cheating nearly impossible u THINK?

Be4 1.5 was out there were already 5 new cheats ffs!

Nah valva sux if u look at bugs and anti cheat and bugs in anti cheats ffcrs *points to built in cheat with one console command last version* and even in 1.5 it's still buggy.

But cs is cool... I get sick and tired of all the newbs sometimes, but as an admin I've got to live with that... not that a public really matters :rolleyes: . The wars are the most important... and when u are in a (bit) prof. clan there shouldn't be any lamers etc as ur opponents..

Alltough I do think that esf will be better :D

btw: US ladder sux.....

grtz Nz-
Retired Forum Staff
Jan 4, 2002
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This thread was initially started by someone who wished to pay homage to the ESF team and the progress thats being made with the TC, Now that its turned into nothing but a CS beat up, i feel compelled to close this thread, if you wish to Praise the team in future, PLEASE try not to turn the thread into something it isnt.


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