I can imagine maybe they don't want to give Picollo another trans because they think if he has one enormous power boost to balance him with the other character's 3rd/4th transformation, then he's balanced, but if this
is how they're thinking (only if, I'm just guessing here), then I disagree.
If you transform with him earlier than the other players who maybe went Goku, or whatever, then he would be seriously overpowered, until they achieve their trans. And on the other hand, they could trans first, which would make it harder for him to achieve his one, really powerful trans.
But that's only a what if. I'm reasonably sure they didn't give him one really powerful, hard to achieve trans. That would just make Picollo a difficult character to fight with.
However, if what Sonic Boyster said was true, about them making it true to the show then... well, I just think that's a bad idea. If some characters are more powerful than others overall, then it's just unbalanced, isn't it? I thought the team worked on balancing the characters?
I mean, if Goku is the most powerful, like in the show, then you'll have servers full of just Goku's. You don't want to make it too true to the show, or else you're going to end up with a horrendously unbalanced game. That's just my opinion, of course.
I accept it's a WIP outline, but at the same time, I can't see the thinking behind only one trans for Picollo, or Krillin for that matter (Yeah, I don't talk about him here because, well, I just don't like him
)... if they have a good enough reason then fair enough, but I'm finding it hard to imagine one.