Attack Suggestions for 1.3

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Oct 18, 2004
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I just wanted to name some new attacks that each character could have, here they are, and I have a picture for almost every attack:
Goku's attacks:
Ultimate Kamehamaha, number 4 twice, can use in Super Siayan only

Kaioken: number 8, can use in Normal and Super Saiyan only

Super Dragon Fist, number 9, can only use it in Super Saiyan 3

Gohan's attacks:
Double-Handed Blast, number 7, I don't have a picture for this one but he used it in Tree of Might
Parent and child Kamehamaha, number 8, can only be used in Super Saiyan 2

Krillin's attacks:
Given Spirt Bomb, number 8, can only use in first form, I don't have a picture for this one

Frieza's attacks:
Earth Line Blast, number 8, works kind of like a disc, it slices them in half (this was already suggested by Logan)

Imprisionment Ball, number 9, it freezes your opponet and drains some hp

Piccolo's attacks:
Light Grenade, number 8, charges as fast as Special Beam Cannon and is as strong as it

Regeration, number 9, regenerates as fast as Buu

Mystic Attack, number 9 twice, his arm goes through his opponent

Trunks's attacks:
Buster Cannon, number 6, big blue blast

Double Buster, number 7, two handed Buster Cannon

Vegeta's attacks
Energy Rings, number 7, paralyzes your opponent

Ultimate Sacrafice, number 8, as strong as Spirt Bomb

Cell's attacks:
Absorption, number 8, can only use in first and second form

Buu's attacks:
Kamehamaha, number 7, the same as everyone else's Kamehamaha, and Buu DID use this on the show against Evil Buu

Special Human Geniocide Attack, number 8, can only use as Super Buu

Vanishing Ball, number 9, can only use as Kid Buu

I hope you enjoy all these attack suggestions, if you want to add to it feel free to, enjoy.
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Feb 28, 2004
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all of these have been suggested many times before....except "Earth Line Blast." That was my doing >.>
The Krazy One
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Feb 2, 2002
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Your suggestions are pretty good, except for DragonFist, and Double-Handed Blast. Both of those are from Movies. DragonFist, was from Movie 13, and Double-Handed Blast, was from Tree of Might. All other attacks are good, just those two will probably have to be changed or removed.
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Apr 4, 2005
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Santa Cruz Mountains, California
Mccdbz5 said:
Goku's attacks:
Ultimate Kamehamaha, number 4 twice, can use in Super Siayan only

Kaioken: number 8, can use in Normal and Super Saiyan only

Super Dragon Fist, number 9, can only use it in Super Saiyan 3

Gohan's attacks:
Double-Handed Blast, number 7, I don't have a picture for this one but he used it in Tree of Might
Parent and child Kamehamaha, number 8, can only be used in Super Saiyan 2

Krillin's attacks:
Given Spirt Bomb, number 8, can only use in first form, I don't have a picture for this one

Frieza's attacks:
Earth Line Blast, number 8, works kind of like a disc, it slices them in half (this was already suggested by Logan)

Imprisionment Ball, number 9, it freezes your opponet and drains some hp

Piccolo's attacks:
Light Grenade, number 8, charges as fast as Special Beam Cannon and is as strong as it

Regeration, number 9, regenerates as fast as Buu

Mystic Attack, number 9 twice, his arm goes through his opponent

Trunks's attacks:
Buster Cannon, number 6, big blue blast

Double Buster, number 7, two handed Buster Cannon

Vegeta's attacks
Energy Rings, number 7, paralyzes your opponent

Ultimate Sacrafice, number 8, as strong as Spirt Bomb

Cell's attacks:
Absorption, number 8, can only use in first and second form

Buu's attacks:
Kamehamaha, number 7, the same as everyone else's Kamehamaha, and Buu DID use this on the show against Evil Buu

Special Human Geniocide Attack, number 8, can only use as Super Buu

Vanishing Ball, number 9, can only use as Kid Buu

I hope you enjoy all these attack suggestions, if you want to add to it feel free to, enjoy.
Alright. Here is the lo-down.
1. Ultimate Kamehameha - Seems like it would work. I assume it would just take over the older Kamehameha. Might have to work out the balances.
2. Kaioken - The team won't put it in. Its been suggested serveral times but it would make Goku unfair cause he would have another trans.
3. Super Dragon Fist - Would work if it was only used in melee and the other character had a chance to block or not.
4. Double-Handed Blast - You are referring to the Masenko-ha which he already has.
Father-Son Kamehameha - Would be super awesome if they had it in. Give him something to stuggle with that's fairly good!
5. Given Spirit Ball - Really don't know how that would work.
6. Death Wave ( Logan Suggested this) - This has to be in. I feel that Freiza needs an awesome move and this would not be cheap.
7. Imprisionment Ball - Good idea but cheap and it would be spammable and then noobs would pick this character cause of the cheapness and all hell would break lose and Logan would have to whoop some ass as usual.
8. Light Genade - Deffinately should be in. Would give Piccolo a better chance then to just spam SBC.
9. Regeneration - Should be in. If Buu can do it then why not Piccolo? He was the original person to do it.
10. Mystic Attack - Maybe if this was linked with a combo melee then it could work.
11. Trunks has the Finish Buster which is stronger then the Buster Cannon. Maybe if they made it so right click was Finish buster and left click was Buster cannon then they would allow that.
12. Double Buster - was used by Child Trunks. Not really a move for Future Trunks seeing as how he is getting Burning Slash.
13. Energy Rings - Cheap up the ass. Very spammable and noobs would abuse it. Logan again would have to whoop some ass as stated before.
14. Ultimate Sacrafice - Good in theory but killing yourself isnt all that fun. I get where you are going but it would suck to die.
15. Cell's Absorbtion - The team as stated before that no absorbation skills will be taking place in ESF.
16. Buu's Kamehameha - Would be an interesting idea. Kid Buu did this to Goku and Vegeta on the Kia Planet. It would take the place of Mouth Blast.
17. Special Human Genocide Attack - Way to cheap. You get to kill everyone on the screen and then turn them all into candy and boost your power. Sorry dude but no go.
18. Vanishing Ball - Another good move for Kid Buu. Kinda like a mini Death Ball but of course less powerful.
So I hope this will clear up questions you had. Good ideas man.
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Oct 18, 2004
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KidBoy17 said:
Alright. Here is the lo-down.
1. Ultimate Kamehameha - Seems like it would work. I assume it would just take over the older Kamehameha. Might have to work out the balances.
2. Kaioken - The team won't put it in. Its been suggested serveral times but it would make Goku unfair cause he would have another trans.
3. Super Dragon Fist - Would work if it was only used in melee and the other character had a chance to block or not.
4. Double-Handed Blast - You are referring to the Masenko-ha which he already has.
Father-Son Kamehameha - Would be super awesome if they had it in. Give him something to stuggle with that's fairly good!
5. Given Spirit Ball - Really don't know how that would work.
6. Death Wave ( Logan Suggested this) - This has to be in. I feel that Freiza needs an awesome move and this would not be cheap.
7. Imprisionment Ball - Good idea but cheap and it would be spammable and then noobs would pick this character cause of the cheapness and all hell would break lose and Logan would have to whoop some ass as usual.
8. Light Genade - Deffinately should be in. Would give Piccolo a better chance then to just spam SBC.
9. Regeneration - Should be in. If Buu can do it then why not Piccolo? He was the original person to do it.
10. Mystic Attack - Maybe if this was linked with a combo melee then it could work.
11. Trunks has the Finish Buster which is stronger then the Buster Cannon. Maybe if they made it so right click was Finish buster and left click was Buster cannon then they would allow that.
12. Double Buster - was used by Child Trunks. Not really a move for Future Trunks seeing as how he is getting Burning Slash.
13. Energy Rings - Cheap up the ass. Very spammable and noobs would abuse it. Logan again would have to whoop some ass as stated before.
14. Ultimate Sacrafice - Good in theory but killing yourself isnt all that fun. I get where you are going but it would suck to die.
15. Cell's Absorbtion - The team as stated before that no absorbation skills will be taking place in ESF.
16. Buu's Kamehameha - Would be an interesting idea. Kid Buu did this to Goku and Vegeta on the Kia Planet. It would take the place of Mouth Blast.
17. Special Human Genocide Attack - Way to cheap. You get to kill everyone on the screen and then turn them all into candy and boost your power. Sorry dude but no go.
18. Vanishing Ball - Another good move for Kid Buu. Kinda like a mini Death Ball but of course less powerful.
So I hope this will clear up questions you had. Good ideas man.
For Gohan's Doubled-Handed Blast I wasn't referring to Masenko, it was used in Tree of Might, people told me that he is getting that attack in 1.3. When I said that thing about Death Wave I mentioned Logan had made that suggestion, and the real name is Earth Line Blast, and your ideas are also great as well.
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Jul 9, 2003
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Krazy-Killa said:
Your suggestions are pretty good, except for DragonFist, and Double-Handed Blast. Both of those are from Movies. DragonFist, was from Movie 13, and Double-Handed Blast, was from Tree of Might. All other attacks are good, just those two will probably have to be changed or removed.
stand corrected.. a while back there was a thread about this. and the team said that Super dragon fist will be added as ssj3 due to "lack of moves" to gain.

do a search for it yourself.
New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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Oh yeah, I remeber that, and RavenTrunks, didn't they also say about Gohan that he will get that Double-Handed Blast attack in 1.3?
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Apr 4, 2005
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Santa Cruz Mountains, California
Just to let you know Mccdbz5, Im very glad you made this thread. Will totally put an end to everyone's questions and constant nagging. And thank you for correcting my errors.
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Oct 18, 2004
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Your welcome, and thank you for also suggesting some good things.
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Jul 9, 2003
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Mccdbz5 said:
Oh yeah, I remeber that, and RavenTrunks, didn't they also say about Gohan that he will get that Double-Handed Blast attack in 1.3?
no idea about that.
New Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Mccdbz5 said:
I just wanted to name some new attacks that each character could have, here they are, and I have a picture for almost every attack:
Goku's attacks:
Ultimate Kamehamaha, number 4 twice, can use in Super Siayan only
Kaioken: number 8, can use in Normal and Super Saiyan only
Super Dragon Fist, number 9, can only use it in Super Saiyan 3

Gohan's attacks:
Double-Handed Blast, number 7, I don't have a picture for this one but he used it in Tree of Might
Parent and child Kamehamaha, number 8, can only be used in Super Saiyan 2

Krillin's attacks:
Given Spirt Bomb, number 8, can only use in first form, I don't have a picture for this one

Frieza's attacks:
Earth Line Blast, number 8, works kind of like a disc, it slices them in half (this was already suggested by Logan)
Imprisionment Ball, number 9, it freezes your opponet and drains some hp

Piccolo's attacks:
Light Grenade, number 8, charges as fast as Special Beam Cannon and is as strong as it
Regeration, number 9, regenerates as fast as Buu
Mystic Attack, number 9 twice, his arm goes through his opponent

Trunks's attacks:
Buster Cannon, number 6, big blue blast

Double Buster, number 7, two handed Buster Cannon

Vegeta's attacks
Energy Rings, number 7, paralyzes your opponent

Ultimate Sacrafice, number 8, as strong as Spirt Bomb

Cell's attacks:
Absorption, number 8, can only use in first and second form

Buu's attacks:
Kamehamaha, number 7, the same as everyone else's Kamehamaha, and Buu DID use this on the show against Evil Buu

Special Human Geniocide Attack, number 8, can only use as Super Buu

Vanishing Ball, number 9, can only use as Kid Buu

I hope you enjoy all these attack suggestions, if you want to add to it feel free to, enjoy.
Ultimate Kamehameha: isnt goku powerful enough?
Kiaoken: could work as a pl booster but drains ki and when ur ki runs out ur pl decreases
Super Dragon Fist: That will be in

Double handed blast: it will be in too.
Child son blah blah: That would be kind of dumb because goku is in the game besides goku didnt help gohan win he just motivated him(Vegeta was the real help)

Spirit bomb!? nonononono, that was goku's he's not gonna come over and give the spirit bomb to Krillin >_<

Earth Line Blast: good idea logan ;)
Imprisonment ball: a little to good

Light gernade: with some tweaks it could work
Regeneration: i think thats going to be added
Mystic arm: could be a special melee move for piccolo

Buster Canon: to much like finish buster
Double Buster: Kid trunk's made up move
besides trunks is a melee character

Rings: i think it should knock the character back
Ultimate sacrafice: its in evm and isnt that good of an idea

Absorbtion: Cell is too good as it is

Kamehameha: just eat goku in 1.3 and there you have it.
Genocide: could work kinda like scatter beam but without the candy
Vanishing Ball: yes he did use that and it should be put in

i think that ravendust's Demon thunder/ Demon Fire idea should be added to piccolo.

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