Arabs Beheading.

New Member
Aug 6, 2003
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If you saw the latest news posts (nbc, cbs) then you know what I am talking about. This subject has been crowding my mind lately. I can't understand this.. and the arab ways. My opinions may not be in the correct order, but I shall try my hardest to make them readable/understandable.

1. The first thing I think about.. when I hear the phrase, "Arab Terrorists," are people that sacrifice themselves for a god they believe in. I think about how they blow themselves up, and the people near them. I think of barbarians, good for nothings.

I don't think of all arabs like this, just the terrorists. But I have been confused by some of the terrorist statements. First they crash airplanes into 2 civilian buildings, then we go to war with them. While we are at war with terrorists, a handful of images are taken.. of the arab prisoners being 'degraded.' I think... how can terrorists who blow themselves up for 'Alah,' and for their 12 virgins... how can those kinds of people be 'degraded.' They are already as low as they get.. and were like this before those photos were taken. But here is what really confuses me. The next thing they do is.. grab a U.S. citizen in Iraq, and cut his head off with a knife. They say it is revenge, for making the arab terrorist look bad. Not only do they push the line every single time... they act as if it is okay. They hate it when people avoid and look down on their culture.. but all they do is hate everyone for their cultures. They hate us because we are a free, strong, independent nation.. but when we look down on their culture, they take it in their own way.

I don't know why I really posted this, but I just wanted to voice my opinion about the arabs.. and I wanted to know what you guys thought about the beheading of a innocent U.S Citizen. If you are in any way, related or enjoy the Arab Culture, or the Arab ways.. I mean no disrespect to you, nor do I mean any disrespect to your people. Please voice your opinion.. and don't flame. This war is a serious subject.. and shouldn't be used to flame people.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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No political/religious threds, read the A.U.P >_<

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