Wow guys, you really did a number on this thread, now I have to step in.
This thread can pretty much be closed now...
Last time I checked, only a thread creator can request a thread be closed. You are not a moderator, let us decide what threads to close.
Thank you Druu... How's the plan for world domination... Did you get the... eaponWay adegGray utoniumPlay?
This is just spam. Useless spam.
I'm going to give you a warning, and ask you that you give a quick browse through the A.U.P if you are unsure of any of the rules, or why I've had to warn you.
If you have a problem with a particular post, you don't have to make it your own business. There is a report post button. You guys only acted out of line once in this thread, so I don't feel a need for warnings. But be warned, next time you decide to be Mr. Criticism, there may not be so much leniency. Just use your head Gir.
Druu, there is a fine line between commenting on a post, and starting to get into playing moderator. There is some borderline roguing there, and on top of it your post was spam. Warning for Druu as well.