Kyo said:
dude i cant be nice anymore its killing me
We arent insulting you or your artwork, we are giving criticism.
That is what this thread was about right? .. you post your sig ... we critique it, and you pick and choose what you want to fix.
If you were just showing off, well... Um, personally I like my sig alot more than yours, [noting the fact that I do not have a sig]
I can understand not liking criticism, Really, as A 3dmodeler I completly understand not liking crits. but If you dont want crits, then dont post your work. It really seems as though you started this thread to boost your ego, and its not having a positive effect, Since your ego isnt being pumped up, you are acting very Childish.
I would reccomend you stop replying to this thread, and start working on another sig, and your ability to recieve criticiques