I dident know wether to put this in Off-Topic or ESF Chat. THis is adressed mostly to ESF World, I recently downloaded a Trunks Armor model. And i discovered that it is either NOT 1.1 compatible or there is something wrong with the movements/skeleton of the model. I will give na exampel: I choose burning attack = he stands with his hands outstreched not doing any movement and i fire and he does some wierd dance thing. Finishing buster he puts hi legs and arms together as if he had relesed it and when i fire its like he dont have that movement (al u who use ex goku for vegeta and try to use bigbang will know what i mean) here is the link ---> http://esf-world.com/download.php?file_id=207 if it dont work just go there and look for --> Cellsaga Trunks ( Armor ) <-- I was just wondering whats wrong with the mdl..