aren't you guys a bit afraid of infogrames?
I mean, look what they did to the bid for power team... they had to cancel all their work, put in some fictional characters...
You guys do a so much better job then Infogames(whatever their names are, they suck). You should be the DBZ game developers. Team ESF, that would be cool to see before you start up the game.
yea would be cool if there wasnt copyright issues, then all the best from all dbz mods can combine and start a game developing company and make dbz related games.. ide love to c the end result of a team like that making a dbz mmorpg.
i dont think theres enough buttions for it on a consol
and not to mention this couldnt ever happen because infograms has the rights to dbz and there for if funi made another dbz with another company infograms would prob sue them for breaching the contract
just a thought, i think infogames could shut this down, which would really suck, because bid for power i heard they got shut down for making DBZ characters, i dont think they charged for thier services, if so i wan't aware of it, so i cant see how it's any different to this, i know this is bigger, so possibly more of a target
heh i dunno, im thinkin funi straight out gives up on shuttin down dbz mods period. I mean theres dragonmod z, esf, dragonball u, efh, ghp, sos etc etc. Theres tons of dbz mods and funi aint doin jack
Only games that are good that are DBZ are, sUper Gokuden 2( lol that will be like beta 1.2 i bet ) The Greatest Legends ( which ESF is based off of ) Hyped Dimensions and Super Boutoden 2.
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