It is extremely sad. Being Israeli, having lived there and having my family and friends live there... I completely understand what families must be going through. I share the same feeling of pain and fear with all the families of the children, and it makes me sick what some people are able to do to eachother. This includes terrorism, wars, any violent acts between people... They try to justify their actions, while the real reason for wars and acts of terrorism is people being immature. That, or just plain crazy.
For all the families and friends of those lost in Russia, I feel your pain. I wish you good luck in overcoming these feelings of pain, and I pray to God none of this bull**** will continue happening. For all the people in Florida, I wish you good luck with overcoming the several difficulties you'll be encountering, and sorry if you have lost a loved one. I never wish these kind of deaths to anyone.
This world is seriously getting ****ed up, and thats because we humans are selfish bastards.
The truth hurts.