Ascended Player Elite
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Good Luck..
To all of u. :fight:
To all of u. :fight:
Later edited to:UltraPerfectCel said:I banned you from the channel because were being a prick.
Um, right that was you. Apparently I got banned from the tournament channel for not replying when someone asked me something.. and I was unbanned in a second, well that's not the case here, things like this can be discussed via PM if needed. It has been stated repeatedly in the past: IRC and FORUMS are two different things, do not bring one into the other. Kapish?UltraPerfectCel said:Hmph, power abuse not. I banned you from the channel because of my dislike towards you.
I also edited my post to be a little more polite to you, and you have no right to bring up the beginning one. I suggest you delete that.gr00vy said:Apart from some irc channel powers abuse from some ultra...can't recall.
I banned you for making smart remarks to me, and I unbanned you about 2 minutes later.gr00vy said:Apparently I got banned from the tournament channel for not replying when someone asked me something.. and I was unbanned in a second
Yes, I agree. Lets leave this behind us, gr00vy. Agree? :S[SSJ]MyStIc said:lets not fight u 2..... "LOVE AND PEACE!!! :laff: "
My post involved giving an appreciative and short sypnosis towards Scorcher for organizing events for this community, this is his second one. I mentioned what I felt like as a 'report' of what I experienced. That sentence was hardly 5% of my post and meant nothing in the content, perhaps you should go read the forum rules again on what off-topic or irc/forum merging really means.UltraPerfectCel said:Well apparently, you were the one who brought mIRC into the forums.
I'll keep what I feel like, that quote came by my pressing the reply button on the forums. Not my fault the original was edited later.UltraPerfectCel said:I also edited my post to be a little more polite to you, and you have no right to bring up the beginning one. I suggest you delete that.
Like I have already mentioned, comments about IRC are to be kept off these boards. This is the last time I shall remind you of this. I'm sorry but I follow the rules, and it is also my job to point out the wrongs of these forums, so any more content that could have been stated in PM or any more bringing in IRC into these forums will result in a warning. Drop it!UltraPerfectCel said:I banned you for making smart remarks to me, and I unbanned you about 2 minutes later.
Whoa, I didn't expect IoD to win, nice work sonic ([SSJ]Mystic on the forums), I always told you that you would improve.GMan said:Third round:
IoD wins 15-10