White Sky Fix

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Dec 1, 2001
Best answers
North East Pennsylvania
Fix found by AscendantSaiyan in another forum:
White sky fix
Here's the fix for the white skies:

this is a temporary fix until valve releases their own, but if you want *no* sky problems do this:

You'll need to open the valve pak file, so you'll need a pak extraction utility, you can download pakexplorer here

Next, open pak explorer, then go to file...open.

Go to your Half-life\Valve directory and double click on pak0.pak, do *NOT* go in your tfc or cs or any other directory.

Next, go to my computer, then navigate to half-life\valve\gfx

Create a folder named "env"

Now, go back to pak explorer with the pak0.pak opened, double click on gfx, then env, and select all the files in that folder.

Drag them into your newly created half-life\valve\gfx\env

All the files from gfx\env of the pak0.pak file should now be in half-life\valve\gfx\env

Your skies should be fixed now.

Hope that helps guys.

*busts out glue gun

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