
  1. I

    [WIP]Bite my shiny metal A$$

    Ok well i've never been much of a modeller (thats why i chose to skin models instead) anyhow i was bored and i've been watching a lot of Futurama lately so i thought this would be a fun thing to do. Its BENDER in case its too bad to see that. *Still gotta skin the rest of him and make a few...
  2. Element4q2

    [WIP]Bite my shiny metal A$$

    Ok well i've never been much of a modeller (thats why i chose to skin models instead) anyhow i was bored and i've been watching a lot of Futurama lately so i thought this would be a fun thing to do. Its BENDER in case its too bad to see that. *Still gotta skin the rest of him and make a few...
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