
  1. Kurt`

    top 5 tunes

    Since there's an abundance of retarded threads in OT lately, I figured I'd make a new one. Post your top 5 tunes, not necessarily in order of preference: Mine: -- Led Zeppelin - Over The Hills and Far Away Judas Priest - The Sentinel Metallica - Trapped Under Ice Alice in Chains -...
  2. Wolf Devil

    Must have tunes...

    I had a technical related question about portable music systems. I was thinking about getting the iPod mini for $200, cuz I need something compact and non-skipping for my music these days (getting nicer out, n all...) However, I'm also thinking I could get a mini-disc player, because...
  3. saiyan_warriors

    Will there be new tunes for 1.2???

    Hey whats up everyone?! Im just wondering if when 1.2 is released if there will be new music that will come with it. I know you can add your own tracks to ESF...although I still think that the ESF team chose the best music so far for ESF. Thanks for your replies. Bye! :D :D
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