
  1. john_volkov

    Quick revcovery & Trowing

    The recovery part it's way to slow so I was thinking about this : 1)some one trow you in a high distants here you can do 2 things wait a few sec to recover and get hit by a blast 2)or just get hit by ki blast my sugestion goes like this when you recover you can teleport and still be...
  2. T

    Spawn Bug / Trowing question / swoop sound gone ?

    Sometimes when i spawn i am stuck . Or i spawn under the map :s Is there a way to block Trowing ? In a previeuw i heard evry time u swoopted a cool sound but its not in the release how come ?
  3. Skyrider

    Trowing move (talk)

    I just came from a server. And i saw lots of players using trow contstantly. i'm just wondering what you guys think about it. I think myself trow is fine, but if people keep using it everytime its just getting lame.
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