
  1. Vegeta's Briefs

    Teams color...

    Hi, and sorry for that last one.... Ok, I think that the team colors sould be red and blue, I think blue team would be in sayian battle armor Red in that weird gei that goku and yamcha and others where from time to time...Although vegeta will look weird in goku's gei... Tell me what you...
  2. S

    E.S.F. teams disturbed minds

    ever notice how theres always something up goku's and vegeta's ass in the pictures? whether its that old spike or that new black stripe (makes it look like those pants are WAY too tight) and ever notice how they seem to have a permanent boner?(even in the shows!) i dont know about you...
  3. C

    Misc bug stuff: 1st/3rd lock, charge bar, unintended explosions, teams, etc etc

    First and foremost I want to establish that I'm a relative newbie to this; I downloaded the mod less than a week ago, but I really enjoy it. Its cool, its interesting, but it does have some bugs, and i'll put down some info on the ones ive been seeing. (yes I looked at your 'known bugs' list...
  4. K

    Different Aura's for different teams

    i thought it would be good if aswell as seeing different chars for good and evil (which i belive your fixing) i find that you can only see them if your close up, so iw as thinking that is the aura's were different it would be much easyers to see a skin that a blue or red aura.
  5. E

    Some screenies
  6. K

    Teams, colour's mabey?

    i don't know about u but i find it really hard in a team battle to tell the difference between teams, espcaly when there are 2 of the same class. could you make it so they glow Red and Blue or something? coz i don't know how else you CAN tell the difference, you know?
  7. R


    insteado f having the evil teams and good teams as they currently are they should be morelike the evil chars on dbz on the evil team so like cell buu frieza etc and the good have the good peeps on em like goku gohan piccolo etc not all jumble cus that way itrs less confusing
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