
  1. S

    Textured Sesshoumaru

    Ya, I unwrapped and textured Sesshoumaru. Its 1 1024x1024 for everything but the fur, and 1 256x256 for the fur. Anyways, heres the pics of the finished (barring no corrections) Sesshoumaru: shot 1 shot 2 shot 3 shot 4 shot 5 Crits/comments?
  2. S

    Finished Sesshoumaru

    Here he is, the finished Sesshoumaru. Only 3203 triangles. I need comments and critiques :) Anything at all you think would improve him, thanks in advance...and before I forget, the pics :) : 3/4 shot 1 Front shot 3/4 shot 2 Back shot Wireframe
  3. S

    Sesshoumaru WIP

    Heres the Sesshoumaru I'm working on currently for Inumod. 2173 triangles currently, with just the head/hair to add. 3/4 shot 1 3/4 shot 2 front shot wire shot Crits/comments are welcome, thanks in advance.
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