
  1. Disguise

    Ki Bar rebalance

    I haven't thought about it too much... yet. But if Turbo was regular combat, and Charged Turbo was offensive combat, maybe not using Turbo could be a defensive/conservative combat. Ki could regenerate more quickly without Turbo. That way you could either have Turbo on and need to stop to...
  2. Shuyin

    Shuyins Rebalance v1.3

    Alright. So as you know, a couple of beta's back the team added a load of class_cvar into esf. I have taken them and compiled nearly all the class_cvars into a config and begun making some balance changes to try bring a little more fairness between the characters while still trying to give them...
  3. A

    My Complete Re-Balance Idea.

    Alright After you guys read what I have to say just let me know what you think then support your opinion please. This is my first big topic, so I want things to be...Simple ;) Ok, Like the title of this Thread states, this will be the statement on what "I think" would be best for balancing the...
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