
  1. Damaera

    Over 700 killed in multiple predator strikes in 2009

    I'm just going to go ahead and quote the article from another thread I found this on. The sad part about this? Most of the deaths were civilians. I don't know what to think. I know that this is war and all, but this is just pretty ****ed up.
  2. M

    Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000

    Source: With Aliens vs. Predator (a reboot of the series) a month away from release, this is a good opportunity to become acquainted/reacquainted with the series. Edit It looks like it only comes with the singleplayer campaign, but no multiplayer...
  3. Blodgharm

    Aliens vs. Predator video game - Marine reveal trailer

    here is some info for the game i copied from the up loader on youtube Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic. Bringing the most intense war between two of...
  4. M

    Aliens vs. Predator Trailer

    <div class="gametrailers_embed_container>"<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="392"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />...
  5. Deathshot

    World's First Sexual Predator So what? He is a horny Dinosaur.
  6. john_volkov

    Alien vs Predator 2 Survivel of the fites

    so they finaly do it there going to make AVP 2 the movie in december
  7. john_volkov

    Alien vs Predator 2 the movie

    so you guys do you think it's going to come out ?
  8. Soulicro

    Soul Predator

    Oh am gee Im being hunted :-P Soul loves your C&C.
  9. D.Anderson

    The Predator

    Wires : Currently my shader isnt done , its still work in progress , textures done on Photoshop (as a test) note : High resolution pic : Texture + shader (V-ray) Title: Predator Name: Dave Anderson City: Tallinn Software: 3DsMax , DeepUV , V-Ray , Photoshop The...
  10. D.Anderson

    Aliens Versus Predator

    Today 13th August , is the release date of Avp the movie , . What do you think about this movie , i would just like to hear the people's rating about some things in the movie : 1)Graphics / characters designe 2)Place where the action takes place 3)Story 4)The...
  11. D.Anderson

    3D designe - "Predator"

    Hello everyone , this is my 1st post on the esf forum , and i want to show my latest project here :smile: . Started 4 days ago , i was inspired by "Aliens versus Predator" the movie , And after that i decided to model my predator for my own small movie . Software used : 3DsMax5 , Brasil...
  12. D.Anderson

    3D designe - "Predator"

    Hello everyone , this is my 1st post on the esf forum , and i want to show my latest project here :smile: . Started 4 days ago , i was inspired by "Aliens versus Predator" the movie , And after that i decided to model my predator for my own small movie . Software used : 3DsMax5 , Brasil...
  13. Soulicro


    A little sig I made. I put no text in it because I thought text would ruin it. Anyways, here it is: C&C are always welcome and appreciated
  14. J fox

    Aliens vs. Predator movie & doom 3

    the Aliens vs. Predator movie is gonna come out soon in austalia i cant wait thay say arnold is gonna be in it but not for long hmmm his got more better things to do i guss its gonna be cool to see aliens going at war at the predators :) doom 3 is gonna be ok but thay sould think about the...
  15. Phobius

    Alien vs. Predator the Movie!!!

    What are your thoughts on this and how do you think the film will turn out? Maybe something like freddy vs jason with those twists or just some lame @ss movie like so many of them out there? I have to admit the first trailor that I watched didn't show much but I was intrigued by it and of course...
  16. S

    Predator Has Arrived

    made by nasal hair , currently waiting for poly reduction and a few tweaks here and there ! C&C welcome
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