
  1. imkongkong

    POPups! the horror!

    basically what happens is when i go to any website, i get these popups from internet explorer. i believe it's due to these two files qwr67.exe wpajtryf67hazytrd.exe i have programs to remove these from my computer, but everytime i would start mozilla, i believe a script would...
  2. DragonDude

    If you're getting popups in Firefox...

    If you're getting popups even with the popup blocker enabled, it's because they're coming at you through Flash. How to stop them:Type about:config into the Firefox location bar. Right-click on the page and select New, and then Integer. Name it privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins Set the value...
  3. C

    Much improved Oozaru Bebi-Vegeta

    I've changed alot of the model and reskinned the whole thing. I think it looks alot better and much more accurate to the character in the show. I'm looking for someone to host it. esf-world went down like a day after they uploaded my old model and are still down. Even a list of sites that...
  4. S

    ESF and POPUPS!!! HELP ME PLZ!!!!

    AHHHHH ok look. I dont know what happend but ive been doing the same stuff as always. Now im getting mad pop ups. I cant even get in a good game of esf cuz of them. Like every 10 minutes one comes up and minimizes mah esf. when that happens i lose all mah sound and i lag like crazy. I have...
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