
  1. Optimus Prime

    No love for the Olympics?

    Just curious as to who has been keeping up with the games so far. I'm a way bigger fan of the winter Olympics than summer, probably because Canada is better at winter sports. Men's hockey started today, and Canada plays in an hour, and I am so pumped.
  2. The Deco

    If China would have sent the Shaolin monks to the Olympics...

    How much gold medals do you think China would win if they signed up there Shaolin monks from the Shaolin temple to the Olympics? Of course you can express your opinion! Sorry about the delay, something happened in my internet(or forums) The medals refer to gold, not silver and not bronze...
  3. M

    Summer Olympics

    Anyone watch any of the events? The only event I watched was amateur boxing. The scoring and judging was so bad that the commentators would go from commentating on the matches to criticizing the judges and the poor scoring. Oh well, at least one of the judges in the Taekwondo competition...
  4. M

    2008 Olympics

    I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were regarding the Olympics being held in China - more specifically, Beijing. Besides the human rights issue, it seems that China's pollution problem will be the deciding factor in this year's Olympics. Especially since many Olympic athletes have shown...
  5. M

    United States Will Boycott the Olympics

    ... Only if their athlete's safety is at risk: Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080416/sp_nm/olympics_us_dc;_ylt=AhQLBAuadQRUgIaO0FM8Xn.s0NUE
  6. M

    China Tries Saving Face in Midst of Olympics

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20080331/wl_csm/oface;_ylt=AilVE8.45FtV6afFWPA8Yd6s0NUE
  7. KidMan


    Yeah if anyone has been paying attention with the olympics then you would have seen Shelley Rudman on the Women's Skeleton Run. Just to let you know that she got Silver Medal and she is related to me. Thats right, my cousin is famous! HAHAHAHAH I OWN EVERYONE!!! And to Lee, Dust and David...
  8. Brim

    Yeti Olympics!

    I remember a while ago when the yeti penuin game went around...this is that only times five. Five different Yeti games. This is going to absorb my life for a week. So far, highest total score is 2559.27 Part 1 757.14 Part 2 511.86 Part 3 626.27 Part 4 755.61 Part 5 383.25...
  9. S


    So what team are you guys rooting for? And which sport is your favorite? :) Mine Sport: Hockey Team: Usa & Canada /me now goes to watch olympics GERMANY vs. USA Wait I think its finished
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