
  1. Tenzo

    MSPaint Competition - Voting Stage

    Ok everybody, so we decided that it's about time to conclude this competition. Retrospective of the contest entries: RobiZ with "The VoMITOR": EndreVanan with "SPRAY MAN": Horatio with "Blood Puddle,Alfronz Lerone,Physics Man": ZXPrime with "The Vigilante/Oral Rape Man" ...
  2. sub

    Dood draws photorealistic PSP in... mspaint?

  3. Denz

    ms_paint thread!

    I needed to draw something and this come out post your ms paint creations if you have the guts! Gogeta
  4. Vegeta's Briefs

    MSpaint contest!

    Hey! We're having a MSPaint Contest! I have some prizes set up for the first three winner (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, in other words), and if you want them, or if you just want a little competition, then please post your entry down below. What you need to enter is an MSPaint drawing. It has to...
  5. VivaLaPineapple

    show your mspaint skills

    like the topic says post a mspaint drawing u have done
  6. D

    sry, lost my original post

    Ok, this right here is my first actual attempt, and i was screwing around in MSPaint, cuz i dont have paintshop YET, so if it sucks... deal with it, here ya go... and YES his body is chibi size compared to is head if u...
  7. D

    this is my first real attempt

    ok im workin on my very first REAL attempt messing around in MSPAINT!, so sry if this sucks, ill post it in a little bit, plz dont say it sucks horribly, i know that ill be back on in a bit edit: k maybe not, i might hit the hay. itll be up 2marrow most likly, if i remember it
  8. Darkside

    mspaint work

    i was bored so drew a guy on MSPaint
  9. Z

    How can i make my own skin

    Hey i will so gladly make my own skin but a dont now how can somone tell me.................? :confused: I wanna be a skin maker there is so cool........... :cool: From [Team Z] - Zarp
  10. G

    Edits to Fat Buu and Goku

    THe first one I just made Buu grin a little. I thought that would make his face look alot better. Second is the back of Goku with King Kai's emblem on the back. The third one is just regular Goku, just showing that it is Goku in the flesh! These are the original models of ESF, and i...
  11. S

    Xstortionist's Brolli Model Skin WIP

    ok, this is about 15 min work, here ya go, i still have about 5 hours to go :( the right arm looks a little funny cuz of a modelling problem :( i will fix it later...
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