
  1. Suh Dude


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfe4zwQpQ8g This video needs its own thread because OH MY GOD I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING LMAO, any Naruto fan will love this hahaha
  2. B


    Yeah .. So I was at my work the other day and Some guy comes in and watches how I interact with people .. tells me he really likes how I interact with other people. Offers me an Interview to work with him. So Im like .. O_o ok cool sure why not So yesterday I get interviewed by...
  3. ZeroNightmare

    Lmfao, Funny DBZ Spoof

    http://www.ebaumsworld.com/dbzparody.html I've watched it 8 times... Frieza sounds like cartman...
  4. Kaination

    LMFAO art pad thing LMFAO

    LMFAO just wait till the end. the end is hilarious. http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i9guhx15scbs someone did this jsut wait till it stops LMFAO
  5. Damaera


    [MinesSkylineR34] http://skyline.anime-overload.com/delaortofadown.wmv <-- Magus and OptimusPrime in action.. | (@Bill_Palmer) I'm not *** I just pretend to be <-- I see that getting setinfoed -_- <[CA]dReAmKilLeR> lol <[CA]dReAmKilLeR> wich one is opti <[CA]dReAmKilLeR> the black haired...
  6. Jonesdaniel

    Fanta Movies lmfao

    Has anyone else seen these movie thingys? they are so bloody funny, here is one i made
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