
  1. Final Vegeta

    Krillens scatter beam to strong

    Ive played in a serv where a 2 guys spammed krillens scatter beam they had same pl as me now heres the why its to strong part. one of those small (yeah go figure THE SMAL one) bals does 51 dam and they are homing i teleported 3-4 times it still homed me np bout that if its that homing but...
  2. M

    Krillens attack

    i remember a long time ago in a forum layout far far far verey close away there was talk about krillen and his new homing balls attack and that it didnt have a name. well i found out the name it is real but its japanese its called Mafosen (th eattack where he killed all the saba-wom... men) this...
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