
  1. Kunio

    this is a good idea(i dont know if will like'it :D )

    I will like to see diferent sound for diferent transformation,example: in normal state of goku to be the basic sound(kamehameha),and in ssj1 to have a diferent 1,is booooring to say the same thing over and over. Or diferent speech for diferent power levels ;) Or when his life is (ex)15 to say...
  2. S

    Cool idea(i think)

    can someone(the ESF team,or anyone else who know how to make maps) make a map like in Cell Game sega there was this ring and who ever tuoch outs side the ring is out of the battle. so what im saying is if someone wanna make this map to this it like this: do a large ring(alot bigger then the...
  3. X

    New Transformation Idea...I think....

    Ok. So you know how in the series when they "First" Transform This is a suggestion for first transformations btw.... How about having their Hair/Body Glow. Not the same glow you have for Vegeta's Final Flash. I mean like is it possible to have the skin glow? Cause when goku first...
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